originally posted in:Guardians Of Nessus
Hey this week the team will be helping people get their flawless in the trials, just post your gamertags and psn and we'll add you when we do trials.
Happy gaming folks
Edited by narutoumino: 6/14/2015 9:58:09 PMCan you guy help me get 5 wins in trials need 2 people im lvl 34 titan defender/medic id is narutoumino on ps4 plz and tnx
gt: FoxtrotPapa1115 on PS3
LanceBadger on PS3 lvl 31 hunter!!!
Edited by CyclopsReapR: 6/14/2015 8:23:13 AMIs there anyone to help me on X1? Gt is Orinian Knight
I'm a lvl 34 hunter with 365 thorn, and I'm pretty good with a sniper, add CHUBZILLA_KILLA
Psn is Canoecarver
Gamer tag is SuperHoboBunny7
Edited by Rurik Flamesoul: 6/13/2015 7:05:27 PMNeed help getting 5-7, maybe Flawless. 34 Warlock that can hold my own. Msg Al Shams Qahhar or send me an invite. Xbox One
I need help getting 5 wins gt above
Can anyone help me get flawless, I'm not great but I'm not terrible ether i do far better in iron banner then crucible. I need two PvP "Gods" to help me out, thanks. 34 Hunter (GS/BD maxed) 34 Titan (S/D maxed) 34 Lock (SS almost maxed) 365 universal remote 365 last word 365 bad juju 365 Variks auto rifle, scout rifle, pulse rifle and machine gun 365 lord of wolves and queen breakers bow 365 hunger 365 red death (after a few more bounties) Thorn (currently leveling it up) I have other 365 weapons as well these are just the ones I can think of right now If anyone can help me out that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, gt same as above FYI, I'm always down to help others who help me, even if I've done it on all characters.
Asp93 34 warlock lfg too
Edited by YodaITalkLike: 6/13/2015 5:20:48 PM34 warlock with flawless experience, looking for two more good 34s who have gone flawless and want to again, msg yodaitalklike for inv xbox one
Looking for 2 to carry me through ToO would appreciate help!!! Gt same as above Msg for inv
Need some 34s must be good and have gone 9 and 0 looking to go flawless get is same Xbox 360
34 hunter max thorn really needs a carry. Ok player but not 9-0 material. Need a couple pros for help. Appearing offline
34 hunter need help getting flawless gt above
PSN: Northy_16 very experienced level 34 looking to do quick run
Need help getting at least 5 wins, I'm an ok PVP player but I will most likely be carried. Message me at TheCurtis16 if ur up for the challenge
Edited by Louie20134: 6/13/2015 4:24:05 PMNeed help going flawless I'm an alright pvp player but most likely need to be carried to the lighthouse my gt is VG K1LL3R xbox360
Need two flawless players to help get 9-0 so I can finally go to the lighthouse lvl 34 hunter gt rises from ash Xbox one
Need help so bad I'm level 34 Titan good weapons Psn ll_-TIGER-_ll
34 all characters, gt is abv & thanks!
LFG av pvp player. 34 warlock. Max weapons. Trying to get helmet. Add FelixCourt.
I can be any character 34. My gt is a lawless a. You guys are awesome for helping
Just looking to get my "5" wins really for the helmet that's all PSN: Steelkill27
It would be nice if someone helped me get to lighthouse. I'm an ok player I can hold myself in a 1v1. Gt same as above inv me