Sometimes when I go to sleep... I think about my cape... And I get really mad for some reason.
Lionhearted euro!
Yes? [spoiler]You know my last post was a shout of rage right?[/spoiler]
Well I think you're just angry, because synthia won't go on a date with you.
Edited by Xyrin Arcaiin: 6/16/2015 6:59:24 AMI'm not a dragon! I'm a freaking human! Synth is a dragon! Not me, Synth! You are intentionally screwing with me!!!!!
I don't have a screw driver, so I can't do that.
My gosh, you really are as stupid as you look on RvB!
It's Blue versus red, everyone knows that. It just sounds stupid the way you say it.
I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that because it is likely your nature to put Blue ahead of Red......
Edited by Vilhelmus II: 6/16/2015 7:40:16 PMNo one owns nature. You're being ridiculous.
Thats it! I give up! I'm killing you myself!
What's it? Why did you give it up?
I've had enough with your constant babbling over stupid stuff! So I'm going to kill you Force Lighting myself!
You're going to force lighting yourself? I don't understand! Are you hungry? Do you want a hot dog? Are you tired? Do you need a blanket? ... Do you want piggies in a blanket?
Force Lightning is electricity I'm going to electrocute you with!!!! Now stand still so I can kill you!!!!
Stands still over here, or over here, or maybe over there, ooh no, over here. Or here. You know what, I will just hold still in all of those places.
You need to stop talking and moving!
But if I am not talking, how do I know if I am not talking?
You are talking right now!!!! You just said [quote]But if I am not talking, how do I know if I am not talking?[/quote] Quit it!!!!
Quit what? You were the one who did the thing!
How does my Force Lightning feel? Painful right?
Kind of tingles, a little.
That makes no sense, you should be ashes by now...... Do you have an Arc Shield?
Rainbows are arcs... I don't have a rainbow shield.
You idiot!!!!! Do you have an electrical shield?!?!