If I payed for the content I should be able to go there I feel that it should just be available or at least easier to obtain pve players really get nothing for doing skolas every week compared to what the "real players" get pvp is the stupidest aspect of this game
Edit1: if they don't nerf the lighthouse or give it to everyone then everyone should get a refund
Edit 2: we should file a lawsuit
Edited by mikeythejoker: 6/12/2015 7:09:53 PMDid you get the secret ending for beating halo on easy? Did you get to the star world in supermario without finding the secret passageways? Did you unlock Virgil as a playable character in devil may cry 3 without beating the game on hard? (Last one I may be remembering wrong) the games not denying you content you paid for. They're giving you content to work for.
Punctuation is a great thing.
Shut. Up.
[b]I AM ENTITLED [/b] [spoiler]thats all i heard[/spoiler]
There are a lot of people that haven't beat skolas to get that chest. You have to earn the reward. They gave you elimination mode to practice. So practice
Not sure why you even split the game in half. "PVP PLAYERS GET MORE THAN PVE" no. People who don't play the whole game get less access to content than people who do play the whole game. You bought the DLC but you didn't buy the right to get to the lighthouse.[b][i]YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME.[/i][/b]
Gr8 b8 m8
Bungie please make the game easier, I suck
That's like saying you should be able to get loot even though you could not beat the Crota raid because you payed for the dlc? Get Gud seriously though other people are doing it average players are doing it all the time it is not that hard
It's retarded to give only the top 6% of pvp players (and the cheaters who join them) the only guaranteed elemental primary drop in the game.
No one is keeping you from the lighthouse. Except yourself.
Yeah and I think we should be able to actsess the treasure room in PoE with out doing them terrible rounds, I paid for it I should be able to go when ever I want, who cares about playing the game.
Let's make more things easier so every person no matter skill level can accomplish everything. Cuz who really wants to feel like they did something good when getting a reward anyways? I would rather just have everything handed to me, who cared about actually earning things anyways.
So you're part of the generation that wants everything and not working for it. Get better at the game
Why do people in these forums continue to feed the new found pvp elitism that came with trials?
You can access all the content in the game. You just have to go flawless in the ToO. It's that simple. I'll also state I've never had more that 5 wins in a single passage, but I've never felt cheated, unless I'm playing lag switchers. I'll get there one day though.
shut up scrub
The Lighthouse isn't 'content', it's a room with a chest. If you want to check it out, go 9-0 like everyone else or watch on YouTube.
I watched it on youtube. It's a big area, but it's completely empty. No npcs, no nothing... My instinct wants to believe the area will be re-used one day as a setting for the Osiris faction. Of course, this depends on one crucial thing: Bungie actually developing Destiny's story in the game itself. CRAZY, I know. Maybe then it'll be a non-exclusive hub, with no treasure chest of course :)
Im not a pvp player but i go to the lighthouse at least once every weekend so far... Just adapt and play the game you might actually have fun
should be a social hub for player who only want to play trials
Nah bro. Grab a decent team and play trials until you make it.
Can't believe people bitch about this. Lol who loves cake?
I don't give a damn about being at the lighthouse but give me an elemental primary after nine wins at least even if I have a loss.
All you people who think your the shit bcz you have been there are the same people that have zero friends in highschool and sat at a table by themselves and didn't talk and now think they are awesome bcz they are good at a game