It actually is. He is comparing how everyone wants everyone handed to them and he is stating since you bought something doesn't mean you just automatically get it. The Trials of Osiris is like all the tennis games you play and you reward is the Lighthouse, or trophy. It's really not that hard to figure out.
How is asking for it to be a little easier to attain, asking it to be handed to you, although his 3 suggestion is way too low, 9 is pretty hard if you aren't a good PVP player, unlike Skolas which anyone can beat and the weapons we get from it are trash, why do I need a void shank burn gun
I do agree Skolas has shit rewards. But i try to think of it two ways. 1. I can keep playing crucible to improve and 2. PvE had Atheon, all of the story (or lack thereof), most of the Dark Below( excluding PvP maps that were not equal to our raid), we had Crota, and also PoE even though it is boring. PvP has what? Maps, a few game modes that are a little different but not especially different. So they gave them ToO
But I am not saying TOO is bad or anything, I'm saying PVP scrubs should at least have a chance, but there is literally none as of now if you are truly a bad PVP player, luckily I had some friends who are good carry me to flawless twice but I tried playing with some clanmstes that are deaf and I just can't really see how we would ever have a chance
And PvE scrubs can do PoE 35 easy, or Crota's End, or VoG? No! They get carried too
getting carried in POE or a raid is nothing like what is required to carry someone in Trials though, someone could spend the entire length of a raid dead and it wouldnt hinder the group if it was a good group, if one of your 3 in TOO is dead, its a huge set back perfect example are my deaf clanmates, kick ass in PVE because when you know the mechanics, its not hard however we struggle in PVP because we cannot communicate efficiently, and that is a major hindrance to crucible
It is similar because you are in the end getting the same chance at legendaries and/or exotics because of RNG. Nothing is different
similar in your end scenario sure, not similiar in how to get to that end possiblity
You are right. It is so much harder to get to the lighthouse. But since when has something being hard been the grounds to make it easier? Is it still obtainable? Yes. A ton of people have made it, carried or not. Look at Skolas, it's not even a cherished end game activity because it's so easy and there are shit rewards. Now, ToO is difficult and week after week we have people have the desire to want to go flawless and get good rewards. Expecting everything to fall in your lap is a bad characteristic. And before you say "It's video game!" That doesn't matter. You still carry over your habits and characteristics in everyday life. If you are impatient on a video game, you'll be impatient in real life
and being impatient is not always a bad characteristic, i am impatient when i am waiting on someone to get me a report i need to finish up my work, i am impatient when there is an asshole driver slowing down the entire freeway, patience is a virtue was a quote written long ago, when instant communication and feedback were not available and patience was needed, you seem to think i want to just win a game and get flawless, thats not what i am saying, they could make it a little more obtainable to everyone
Practice. When you did your first raid, you didn't know how to do it at all. Now, you can probably run it with a hand tied behind your back. And people are impatient with impatient people
Edited by daynetrain73: 6/12/2015 10:25:05 PMgetting detained and being like "oh well that happens, now i know for next time" is a lot different than "i got Final Round Sniped again" like week 1 of TOO
Yes but you also strategize for raids and after a while it becomes second nature. Okay so call out what portal you are in so we can open the portal. Okay they are sniping so let's get the jump on them or have them come to us
right, but as per my example earlier, my clan has members that are deaf, so communication is not a viable option, and for raiding its easy, we message everyone with what the strat is and then we execute, that is much harder to do because our pre-game planning can be 100% wrong from what we thought and now we are playing catch up the rest of the match while also trying to make sure we are all on the same page
You can message them before you start saying "hey if they are sniping let's sit and hide by corners with shotguns and let them come to us. If they use shotguns pick them off from far away. If you have your super on a heavy round push to theirs and take them out. If they are a mixture just adapt. Stay close together unless it's a heavy round."
thats pretty much exactly what we say, and then 2 rush us while one uses a final round and we get -blam!-, i get it you think PVP is easy, but it isnt for majority of people
Get your setups straight too.
no, i didnt know how to do it all, but we could still beat it, a huge difference
but they are nerfing Skolas to make him even easier that just forces us to run the actual mechanics of the fight, so now not only is my already easy fight being nerfed, but somehow Trials being damn near impossible is fine?