I cannot for the life of me figure out what must've possessed Bungie to make these changes.
Yes, it was understood that Auto Rifles were used far more than Battle and Semi-Auto Rifles. The Battle and Semi Rifles needed a bit of a buff to make them attractive options. But the Auto-Rifles didn't need to be made damn near useless; they can't even perform their intended function - close range multi-target engagements.
And why did the Handcannons need a buff at all? Yes, they were rarely used before but that wasn't because they were underpowered; they were a high-skill weapon. A good Handcannon user was a real threat; a master Handcannon user was an absolute monster to face especially with all the nasty things Handcannons apply. But now they pretty much outshoot anything that can't one-shot them. Whats the deal with that?
I thought Auto's could have used a BUFF!! Even before the nerf!!!
My gripe is that autorifles were nerfed due to everyone using them. It was to push variety. However, bungie offered specific autorifle bounties and armor that had autorifle perks. OF COURSE they were the most popular because it was encouraged.
Okay, so ONE Handcannon received a buff. That one cannon is now like 95% of my deaths and ARs still feel useless.
Handcannons were never buffed Their range was actually nerfed, but it goes almost completely unnoticeable
Yeah, hand cannons weren't buffed. Overall, their range was actually nerfed. Thorn, specifically, was buffed (increased mag size, higher rate of fire).
Hand Cannons got nerfed, not buffed. I fail to see how an accuracy and range reduction constitutes a "buff."
It happened about 3 months ago. Its taken you that long?
You're a dipshit.
What was the handcannon buff? Autos...well the bitching of the vex caused a ripple effect. Vex is OP and everyone that has one would use it. Auto rifles were OP. If you had a good one. You used it Fusion rifles were OP and received a nerf Now autos and fusions are rarely used and handcannons and shotguns run rampant. The next balance pass will either drastically buff everything that will has been nerfed. OR nerf handcannons so scout rifles, pulse rifles and sniper rifles. I doubt the bungie weapons team won't screw things up on the next pass. They are...what? 1 for 7? The one being the pretty stable buff to scout rifles
As everyone else has said Hand Cannons were not Buffed. In fact they were Nerfed a while ago. The range on all Hand Cannons was decreased.
There was No hand cannon Buff. As other users have stated Thorn received a buff way back because it was originally not competitive. You are just seeing the effects of the auto rifle nerf making HC's appear stronger than they are. Its not hand cannons that are OP its auto rifles that should NOT have had both damage and the headshot multiplier reduced in the past.
Handcannon follow critical chance was nerfed in PvP so was the damage drop off. Only Thorn was buffed way back when cause at launch it was horrible. To my knowledge only Pulse Rifles were buffed and shotgun range in PVE. ARs were nerfed because of over use. Seriously..over use. That still gets me.
I don't think Hand Cannons were buffed. Just Pulse Rifles.