I consider myself a decent sniper, but when I go into Crucible, I'm wrecked beyond belief. There are guys who headshot me the very second they scope in. It's -blam!-ing ridiculous! I don't understand how they do it!
EDIT: A lot of people are saying that they get their skill from Halo. However, I actually snipe very well in Halo, but not-so-well in Destiny.
Find a sniper with high stability, and hidden hand (better target acquisition) Final round snipers are good too, but currently unobtainable
Just practice, PvP and PvE are two very different thing, equal practice in both helps...
It's not that hard. Just don't use a rifle with aim assist higher than 50 if you can help it. Despite its name, it screws up your shot more often than not. And it's friggin' annoying when you're aware of it like I am.
#aim assist
Scope out your firing lines before taking position... not that great with a sniper rifle but I can be very effective on certain maps... I never did manage to get the hang of CoD quick scoping
A lot of guys who quickscope out of nowhere are running final round. Half of sniping is just about positioning and reducing your aiming area down to a small manageable area, preferably only needing small adjustments in the horizontal dimension. Skill plays a part, but skilled players know how to stack the odds in their favor. That's part of their skill. Also sometimes you just get lucky. I know sometimes I'll headshot a scrub flying through the air or something. Also you have to sort of have a sense for the center of your screen and be able to place targets there. Practice basically..
Tape, final round.
Run your rectile into your target and shoot. Dont worry about the right thumbstick as much. But dont strafe in a pattern because the other guy will take notice and keep his rectile in one spot ready to shoot while you run into it. The hidden hand perk works wonders as well.
that last tag tho but getting to the point, since there is no sway to snipers in destiny, just get one with high aim assist and you're good
Their rifle probably has a higher aim assist stat than yours, on top of the fact that its already easy as all hell. Try out rifle with higher aim assist; Shadow of Veils / Prudence II / Subtle Nudge / low Grade Humility / Etc. (Hidden hand perk works wonders.) Coming from a Battlefield 3 background, I'm accustomed to more skillful sniping mechanics.
Ur head is huge Ezy snipez
its like halo, distance means nothing, all snipers are laser rifles, and o, learn to play on high sensitivity
High auto aim /:
People aren't good at sniping. It's called final round.
Get a high stability sniper with high fire rate and peek around a corner slowly. Quickly double tap any player you see. Your welcome
In Destiny all I use is sniper. And I suck. In Halo however... [spoiler]yeah I also suck...[/spoiler]
I was a beastly sniper in halo using the UNSC sniper I never met a sniper on halo that was better than me so all I did was find a legendary sniper in destiny that had the same feel as the UNSC one from halo and then I wreck all the scrubs. Y09 Longbow Synthesis is the legendary sniper I use
Keyboard and mouse easy
Edited by CR Sil3nT: 6/13/2015 6:42:38 PMIt's all about memorizing where your scope will be when you zoom in. Also, stick with one or two sniper rifles, each one operates differently. Half of my overall kills are from sniping. Also, try to remember where heads will be on certain parts of maps. Look for lines, tree branches, a spot on a rock etc. Also try strafing a bit as well instead of just moving the rifle itself. Easier to acquire targets and keep from getting shot as well. Also, what's your sensitivity? I play at 4. They can help you a great bit. Some people say they play at 10 sensitivity, but I have no idea how anyone can control that. Just experiment and find what sensitivity works for you. Edit: Half of my kills aren't from snipers after further review. Apologize for the false information. Some people go to great lengths to be complete d-bags about something instead of acting mature when informing me.
Halo 1 and 2
Good Hand eye coordination bro
If you're going to snipe in crucible, it's Patience and time or nothing
CAL for CSS, awp/deag. if you know what that is...props
Yo take time and practice I had to get use of how the motion is. I'm not a bad sniper in destiny, but in MW2 I was a pretty good quickscoper/sniper I would go in to FFA and just mess around trying to get my quickscoping.
I have used almost no other special besides sniper since day 1... So yea that's how we are good.