How many kills do you have with your No Land Beyond (and how many precision shots do you have) ?
Just curious how many people aren't cheap scrubs that only use thorn.
[spoiler]i got 2.5k kills with NLB and nearly 2k precision shots 76% precision kill ratio [/spoiler]
0. I don't have NLB
Over 9000
Probably close to -6.
To many to count I love that gun
1 I believe...
Like, 5.
It's all about the Sparrow kills baby
1100+ 780+ head shots Rough 70% precision. It's my main weapon and i would love to post footage of montages but no capture card
If someone wants to check for me.... can't be all that high even though I do enjoy the gun
483 with a 27% precision kill ratio.
I don't wanna put anyone to shame or anything;)
You do relize we can see your stats dumb ass
None because I don't have one
495 Kills, 360 Headshots
How do u find out how many kills you have
Sorry about the quality but heres my NLB compilation
None because I don't have it :(
12132 kills and 9458 precision which makes it 78%.
500 kills 75% precision.
1574 kills 1109 headshots
i have 268 kills and 113 precision kills