Just went 1-12 yep 1 win on 4 cards. And had a decent team every single team we played had all flawless players. ToO really sucks balls.
What went wrong dude?
Just out played . u got 3 avg or above avg player going againts 3 super to super dooper players thats just hows it goes. The annoying part is it was 11 outa 12 games we were matched with players way above our skill lvl. The one game we won woulda been fine win or lose cause it was actually well matched.
Same story here, every map so far apart from burning shrine when we went 9-1 . group so sick of it they won't do trials so no chance to improve :( Lfg demand flawless logo
Ya first week went 7-0 and 8-0 but done horrible since then