That's sad, you should be on a pedestal like if you were a Ninja.
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:38:31 AMI don't need the attention but thank you.
but you're gr8.
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:38:39 AMI'm just a human like you.
Sounds legit.
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:38:51 AMYou mean looks legit because you can't hear my text. [spoiler]Unless you used voice text.[/spoiler]
how did're not a human like everyone else.
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:39:08 AMI'm human24 the human race used to live up to 200+ years because of earths atmosphere and such making me special I guess.
That's right! You're human24! One of the very first humans!
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:39:31 AMAye that's true I am, but human1 was very dumb but I don't believe you were insulting my knowledge.
No I wasn't, you're the smartest of all!
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:39:39 AMI is so smat!
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:40:53 AMThat cheered me up. I just lost a friend on Xbox but a close one though. [spoiler]They're alive no dead.[/spoiler]
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:40:05 AMIt's okay man. They were a awesome person but just too sensitive.
I'm really sorry.
Edited by joibasta: 8/21/2015 7:40:13 AMDon't be you didn't do anything wrong.