*ten different sized, blood red drop ships, slam into the bloodied ground in the wake of your killing spree* *Sarris-Sanguine has deemed you a potent ally and gives you control of your own kill team* *5 legionnaires unlock their gravity harness and step out of the pods - 8 foot tall and encased in gleaming red power armor. They are clutching great chain swords (the blades on the swords whir with anticipation). they have large caliber bolt guns mag-locked to their plate armor* *2 larger legionnaires step out in huge terminator armor - more bulky but nearly indestructible. They have heavy weapons mounted on their shoulders and underslung flamethrowers on each arm* *two librarians levitate out if their pods, one healer, one damage dealer. Both can teleport your group a short distance, or back to the golden fortress* *a massive dreadnought kicks the door off his pod off it's hinges, stepping out of his pod. His giant, multi-barreled autocannons spool as meter long flash flames banish the darkness in front of it - sending a solid stream of extremely volatile mass reactive rounds into wave after wave of demons.. Their bodies ignite as the tracer rounds cut them down and explode into them* *your reinforcements lay down cover fire*
*Shoots handcannon and chops demons in half.*