Hello! I am Obiwanbuddy and I am a destiny addict! I will answer your questions and help you out through destiny!
PSN- Obiwanbuddy
Stats- level 34 Hunter
I only have one rule. Don't be an ass.
What's wrong with the title? When I haven't clicked on the post it says I am your ghost, but when I click on the post it says I an obiwanbuddy!
Why is your name ObiWanBuddy, not Ghost. Your pic is the Ram, not a Ghost. You're not my Ghost. GTFO.
I wanted ti throw you at the Cabal when you triggered the failsafe
Ya um ghost i have to ask u something……… can u be F**kin useful sure u can bring me back from the dead but u cant open a single door the right way
Man I do hope you can open this door with setting alarms off. *ghost proceeds to activate the British navy nuclear weapons.*
Decided to change to original name. Hi
Why do I have to wait to summon my sparrow after I blow it up?
(~-.-)~ [b]spooky ghost titan[/b]
Hello little light
why dont u have others skins of you?
Edited by technoguy1754312: 6/14/2015 7:39:50 AMSooooo..... you are my ghost... OK. Well so um why is everything dead wait was I dead how df you do that. So you can bring me back to life but it take you one big Ass speech before opening a door just open the damn door. My ghost: I believe that was their fail safe Me: >:/ Ghost:........ Ghost: OK I'm done let go get the key Me: face palm are you fing serious 0_o
Can you open a jar of peanut butter for me, or can you only open doors...
Where do you stash all ur stuff, I mean like that one time you took the gate lords head
Why cant you have more shells?
What are you doing here, little light?
Dam it just read the rules I was going to be an ass ......cya
Is it possible for you to open a door without setting off an alarm?
Also 343guiltyspark would beat ghost anyday
Why can't I just spray paint you what color I want u
You gonna hook up with the dragon queen of meereen?
Do you enjoy taking forever to open a door while tripping an alarm and end up summoning waves of alien races which I'll have to murder?
Do you enjoy taking forever to open a door while tripping an alarm and end up summoning waves of alien races which I'll have to murder?
What's it like to hold over 1 Gb of data ?!?
I have an itch... scratch it.