Makeshift scarf all day erryday
[spoiler]no srs it's on all 3 my hunters lol[/spoiler]
Why 3 hunters??
Had lvl 30 of all 3 classes back when that was the lvl cap, but titan and warlock weren't fun to me, they didn't fit my play style. I disliked how they maneuvered, their movement didn't feel organic (in my opinion) like the hunter. So since they weren't fun for me, I deleted 'em for more hunters :)
Because he can!
In not saying he can't, it just makes no sense to me
It could make sense for him/her, same reason why some have two of the same and one other or why some have all three and why some just hate one class.
Jeez I asked why he had all 3, no need to be his body guard
Not being a body guard sir was just giving a plausible reason for his/her doing, a speculation from my point to a forum inspector :D
Lol sorry I was tired
It's ok :)