originally posted in:The Wolves of Skoll
After owing this game for months I finally decided to play Crucible for the very first time tonight. The rewards were great for 5 matches: motes of light, legendary shotgun, 5,000 XP, engrams, 20 Crucible Marks, Passage Coins. I even managed to neutralize and capture zones, despite not having a clue of what to do. Receiving the lowest score isn't so bad!
I bet you were the guy to capture A on blind watch...
Nice trials run we had this week! Didn't think I'd run into you on here man.
I have no idea really, but I recorded every game with my Hauppauge DVR so I can review it later. BTW, I didn't list all the rewards. One odd thing I noticed was that gear which had slow progress being unlocked -- even with a Telemetry unit from the Gunsmith -- suddenly experienced a dramatic change!
I keep telling my friends to jump in and do the same. The weapons are plentiful and some are really good. I got hooked on the last iron banner. Try that if you like control!