Whatcha all looking forward to hearing of?
What're ya [i]hoping [/i]to hear from?
I already came several times
What time? And to OP am interested in more Fallout gameplay.
I already came
Fallout 4 gameplay pls
I thought it was today
Fallout 4 and TES:6.
Skyrim 2.
4 hours and 23 minutes and counting
[b][i][u]FALLOOOUUUTTTT 4!!!11!!!!ONE!!!!1!!!![/u][/i][/b]
Skyrim 2: remoist edition I'm looking forward to that
O bby
Does somebody have the timetable to every show?
I'll attempt to fap during it. [spoiler][b][u]attempt[/u][/b][/spoiler]
I enjoy the concepts given in their games but they more often than not fall short due to lackluster gameplay or game breaking bugs. Which is why I wait a while for them to go on sale before I check them out. But I will still watch their conference.
Fallout 4, that is all