If anything, you should probably be cautious around me as well. In your case, your friends have passed but it wasn't your fault. In my case, if I delve to deep into my history with the Fallen or become too stressed, I end up raging. At least...that's what others say I do...that's not my fault either, but I can't control it... I'm a very dangerous guardian, Mr. Tdawg :(
*sits closer* I am not scared either
Well that's good, I suppose Most other guardians around The Tower are afraid or either concerned of me I try to stay distant, but at the same time, I really do miss speaking with my friends. I gotta go see them sometime
Yes. You should. And no one should be worried. You are a great person
Thank you guardian, I am flattered :)
:) How has your day been
So far so good, I suppose. Can't get bad now. Hopefully
It won't. There is no need for the hopefully. It won't go bad
Well I dunno. I only woke up about 6 hours ago. There's still plenty of day left to go *Continues sharpening her blade*
Yes, but that's like saying there is plenty of life left to go. There is, but that doesn't mean it won't be excellent. Don't put that hopefully in there when all you have to say is this is going to be a good day
*Tries to remember the last time she has had a "good day"* ....sigh :(
You know what? Me and you are going to have a good day
*sheaths her blade* Oh yeah? How so?
We are going hunting
Hunting? Well, hehe. I guess that [i]is[/i] what Hunters do, right? What are we hunting for, guardian?
What do you think?
I have not a clue We could be hunting those silly Titans for a chance at revenge, again Or...wild animals? Or...The Cryptarch?
The wolves who escaped capture
Wolves huh? Well...I despise, no..brutally [b]hate[/b] the Fallen. After what they did to my mother..my family..I have absolutely zero respect for them. I can barely even trust Variks So if that's who we're hunting then you can definitely count me in! I've got a never ending bone to pick with them
(Go to the rp forum. I will have a post up soon)
(Not posting there again yet, but I will come back there in due time)
Well let's go on a hunt then
Right, After you
Follow me to my ship and we will leave for the hunt *tdawg walks to his ship*