I am a princess, I can do whatever I want, and I say that's not gonna happen
...Oh and the rest of the food is gone, by the way. Those other Hunters took it
*sheaths her blade* Oh yeah? How so?
We are going hunting
Hunting? Well, hehe. I guess that [i]is[/i] what Hunters do, right? What are we hunting for, guardian?
What do you think?
I have not a clue We could be hunting those silly Titans for a chance at revenge, again Or...wild animals? Or...The Cryptarch?
The wolves who escaped capture
Wolves huh? Well...I despise, no..brutally [b]hate[/b] the Fallen. After what they did to my mother..my family..I have absolutely zero respect for them. I can barely even trust Variks So if that's who we're hunting then you can definitely count me in! I've got a never ending bone to pick with them
(Go to the rp forum. I will have a post up soon)
(Not posting there again yet, but I will come back there in due time)
Well let's go on a hunt then
Right, After you
Follow me to my ship and we will leave for the hunt *tdawg walks to his ship*
*Casually follows and stops* Oh dear... Mr. Tdawg, sir...I have to go now...I have some important business to take care of Sorry for the wait in advance. Please do forgive me So long for now *darts off in a direction before disappearing from sight*
Edited by Efrideets Thicc Thighs: 6/14/2015 9:19:33 PMTdawg turns and looks at the spot that was just occupied by the princess. "Sir, do you think you scared her off?" Simon, his ghost, says appearing next to him. "I'm sure I did Simon. I'm sure I did..." Tdawg looks at the ground."I apologize, princess. I didn't mean to do anything wrong..."
Good. Me to
And so am I. So it looks like we are two peas from the same pod. And life will get better. For the both of us
No clue what that means. But goodnight. And I'm an open book. Ask anything, anytime. See you around, My Lady
[b]YOU SLAUGHTERED THE WARLOCKS[/b] [spoiler]Ok I'm gone now[/spoiler]
I did no such thing?
[b]well other hunters did at least[/b]
Don't make me report you
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 6/14/2015 7:00:28 AM[spoiler]sorry :([/spoiler] [spoiler]im just [b][i][u]really[/u][/i][/b] bored :/[/spoiler]
Ruining our fun shouldn't make you happy
[spoiler]sorry I didn't know before. Came to get mah Titans food back.[/spoiler]