I'm just hanging around here to see what my fellow Hunters are up to
I just recently pulled a quick heist and stole food from the Titan party. I know it wasn't right but...in my defense, a Titan raided the Hunter party not too long ago. So in a sense, I think we're all even now
Hey!!!! Give it back!!!!! I may have totally destroyed the Warlock Family Meeting with my dragon but Titans are cool with me and they need their party foods as well.
Edited by Angelina Sov: 6/16/2015 1:35:55 AMTheir food was given back a while ago, silly
Oh, thank you for your time. :)
No clue. Start one with me. I'm bad at starting one :/
Hmm, neither am I really, haha
:) well then. Topic up for discussion?
That's clever. I suppose so I guess I can ask you a question, no? Do you actually recognize me or know who I am? My sister and I kind of fly below the radar at times, managing the life of being guardians...and of royalty... If not, I suppose a proper introduction is on the line. I should have done so when I had first spoken to you. My apologies, guardian
So who are you
No. Don't apologize. And I don't know exactly who you are
Edited by Angelina Sov: 6/14/2015 7:42:28 AMOh, well I am Princess Angelina Sov. You may know my mother, Mara Sov, The Queen of The Awoken. She was recently double crossed by her own Fallen. They wrongfully used her kindness and acceptance upon The Reef as insurance to aid in their betrayal against her. There was a battle...some Fallen didn't make it out alive...but [i]a lot[/i] of Awoken didn't make it either I already have a horrible history with The Fallen. This dates all the way back to my sister and I's childhood. I try my hardest not to reminisce on what happened [i]that day[/i]... Apparently when I do, I become what other guardians call "psychologically unstable" and end up going on a furious rage. I never remember these events obviously, but I can't shake the thought that my blade might have been the cause of ending other guardians' lives. If so...it wasn't my fault... My mother called my sister and I to The Reef to discuss the recent tragic events and asked us both to recruit brave guardians from The Tower to aid in the hunt for those traitorous Fallen. We went, but my sister went a different direction...and to this day, I have not ever seen her since...sigh... Along the way, that is where I met some new friends: Ginger, Aries and Aegis I almost killed them...what? What else did you expect me to do after two of them materialized onto my ship as uninvited guests, and the other going completely berserk, to the point where he aimed his weapon at me We met in a weird way, yes. But those knuckleheads are my friends. I admit it. Tell them I said so if you must Recent reminders of The Fallen, my past and my missing sister has apparently caused me to go on one of those psychologically unstable trips one too many times in The Tower. Luckily I didn't have my gear one day, so if I tried to kill a guardian in blinding rage...I couldn't have Eventually the pressure from all of this stress started to beat down on me, and I...I started crying...so I ran away. I didn't want my friends to see me crying. I'm....tougher than that That was the last time I've seen those three. I hope they're alright. I want to speak to them but my ghost and I fear that any moment could be someone's last if I'm around... While away from them, recovering, I decided to capture Skolas...some evil bastard who calls himself the "Kell of Kells". My mother had strict orders to only [i]capture[/i] him at that point in time. I couldn't disobey her. I feel a little better about myself and want to see my friends again, but I've heard word spread around The Tower; apparent Aegis is battling between light and darkness. I feel if I don't show up soon, something terrible could happen... Sigh...Anywho, I know that was a mouthful, but hey, proper introductions were properly introduced. Well, almost. What is your name, guardian? Maybe my friends know you?
Tdawg. I am the bane of friends and cared ones. People tend to die around me. Almost killed cayde. I'm an outcast to the tower and to everyone I meet. Until you
Oh dear You wouldn't try to kill [i]me[/i], would you?
No. I never tried to kill my friends. They were taken
Taken? By whom?
Edited by Efrideets Thicc Thighs: 6/14/2015 8:02:57 AMTaken and killed I should say. Hive got them when I wasn't paying attention or I was to slow. Sorry for the grim talk
I'm terribly sorry Mr. Tdawg...I probably shouldn't have asked But on that note, it was a pleasure meeting you. Maybe we'll see each other again some time? Also, you should definitely meet my friends. They're...hmm...[i]silly[/i]. At least in my book, hehe Now I must go and get some shut eye. I'm pretty tired, as you can probably see adieu mon ami à bientôt :)
Edited by Efrideets Thicc Thighs: 6/14/2015 3:21:42 PMGood morning milady
Oh, Good morning Mr. Tdawg :)
Edited by Efrideets Thicc Thighs: 6/14/2015 3:22:35 PMHi. How did you sleep?
I [i]might[/i] have had a nightmare It was Fallen related...I'd rather not speak on that :(
Then don't. It is ok to not speak about certain things. Just like I don't normally speak about what happened to my other friends.
Again, my deepest apologies for asking maybe one too many questions about your past, yesterday, guardian I guess my curiosity got the best of me
Again, don't apologize. My friends should know my past. And I consider you a friend