originally posted in:The Starside Alliance
This is an extension of my recent E3 post in the SSE forums. Anyway I'm just curious about what every one wants to see or does not want to see. And if you have leaked info please keep it to yourself I don't care if it's all over the web just don't spoil anything alright. I will do my best to update this post as things get announced (if you can contribute updates that would be great). And lastly I'm also holding party chats on PSN when I can so feel free to join. My PSN name is SKUZii just so you know.
I'm always going to be a big Borderlands fan, which means I'm excited to hear anything about BL3, but Gearbox's Battleborn has piqued my interest as well. At the moment, that's about all I can think of. I guess any Halo news would be welcome as well.
That XBOX show was TERRIBLE
Horizon Zero Dawn
And lastly for now the PC show
Here is an update for Summer Lesson.
Sony's show
Nintendo world championship.
Final Fantasy VII remake!
I didn't watch E3, but watched some videos of games I'm excited for. Halo 5 looks epic. I think I might have to get it.
The Xbox show was terrible. Sony did amazing and what a show from bethesda.
And here is the entire Bethesda show
Update #2 Fallout 4 gameplay
Update #1 DOOM is back and gorier than ever
I'm a little late on this but the Nintendo championship is on right now. Go to twitch tv to watch it.