Right, After you
Follow me to my ship and we will leave for the hunt *tdawg walks to his ship*
*Casually follows and stops* Oh dear... Mr. Tdawg, sir...I have to go now...I have some important business to take care of Sorry for the wait in advance. Please do forgive me So long for now *darts off in a direction before disappearing from sight*
Edited by Efrideets Thicc Thighs: 6/14/2015 9:19:33 PMTdawg turns and looks at the spot that was just occupied by the princess. "Sir, do you think you scared her off?" Simon, his ghost, says appearing next to him. "I'm sure I did Simon. I'm sure I did..." Tdawg looks at the ground."I apologize, princess. I didn't mean to do anything wrong..."