Is it quodron?
Explanation in spoiler
[spoiler]As they bound back and forth inside rooms with three walls and three floors, I am there also, among their ranks. There are three places from which they view my target, but only one whence I strike. I deal my dealings as one glides across a "U" shaped conductor. I am a high pitch and a low pitch. Pinch me, and I will respond with the tearing of reality.
There are three walls in the vex room, also three floors...
He is among the "ranks" being a chronovorised gate lord
There are three place people go to kill the eye and him
When he "strikes" he deals his damage in a bubble which is a U if you flip the U upside down
minotaurs can have both a high pitch battle cry and a low pitch battle cry
When you disturb him he responds with tearing reality to form the bubble in which contain you[/spoiler]
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