..I have to win the lottery.
What's [b]ONE[/b] thing you [u]have[/u] to do before the world ends?
I'll post the most creative ones here:
[quote]learn to tame lions while skydiving
- Destroyr19[/quote]
[quote]Launch myself into space with a wheelbarrow and a stuffed tiger named Hobbes.
- dd835[/quote]
Unoriginal and overused, but still funny..
[quote]f*ck her right in the pussy
- Coninja007[/quote]
[quote]teach a llama to drive
- Michael [/quote]
[quote]Perform a top-secret mission to dump a shit-o-ton of Dino bones everywhere on Mars to confound the future space pioneers.
- Wolf Commander[/quote]
[quote]Make a wrestling porno with jack black
- The Wise [/quote]
[quote]Get lemons, make orange juice, and leave everyone wondering how the heck I did it.
- SSG ACM [/quote]
Here you go buddy
[quote]Become a part of the list of the most creative
- VoMe TrixZz[/quote]
[quote]To build a space ship to go into to space so I can begin building a large space station that I will then land on the moon and turn the thrusters upwards so I can de-orbit the moon and pummel it into Saturn so we have a moon floating around in a planet.
- xxXNIGHTBLADEXx[/quote]
[quote]Fight a bear to death and live
- Csjsharpshooter[/quote]
Am I racist for this?
[quote]Become the niğğest of niğğas
- DioBrando00[/quote]
[quote]Create my own personal genie in a laboratory to wish for the ability to pause time and fly and breathe in space, then fly to the moon, pause time, draw some weird symbols to confuse any future visitors.
- Tannr97[/quote]
[quote]Have intercourse with Kate Upton in a shopping cart with an American Flag attached rolling down a ramp going through a ring of fire over a shark tank under two fighter jets being flown by David Hasselhoff and Kevin Bacon with Darude - Sandstorm playing in the background and land in a swimming pool of nutella surrounded by classic American muscle cars with past US Presidents in them in Washington D.C. On July 4th.
-Gamer 1283454[/quote]
Edit: We're trending! Make sure to like this post so everyone can comment!
Edit: Keep the creativity coming!
Get to the moon[spoiler]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5a7--u-mdiE[/spoiler]
-blam!- bitches and get money.
Learn how to save the world
Meet bashurverse to ask him if he has any self respect, then have sex with his gf (apparently she likes anal?)
Edited by Koldraxon: 6/15/2015 11:00:34 PM[url=https://youtu.be/o0hrY_gIx-k?t=286]Become like this, and save humanity (Government and disruptives not included).[/url]
Oh yay i made it whoo
Throw a goodbye party for all of humanity!!
Make my name known even after my death.
Think of something creative...
To build a space ship to go into to space so I can begin building a large space station that I will then land on the moon and turn the thrusters upwards so I can de-orbit the moon and pummel it into Saturn so we have a moon floating around in a planet :D
Become a part of the most creative list (sorry it this goes up twice I'm using 3G)
To no longer be a ginger. (To change my hair color instead of red)
Perform a top-secret mission to dump a shit-o-ton of Dino bones everywhere on Mars to confound the future space pioneers.
Teach a llama to drive
Edited by RapidPup6456223: 6/15/2015 10:08:27 PMBecome a part of the list of the most creative
Chop my dick off, give it to charity and run around saying I want my willy
Edited by SSG ACM: 6/15/2015 9:29:52 PMGet lemons, make orange juice, and leave everyone wondering how the heck I did it.
I have to learn to make a potion that makes me live forever
Dance while being shot at on top of a skyscraper
Have no destiles on bnet
Make a wrestling porno with jack black...
run into the police department screaming, f**k the police coming straight from the underground, wearing a purple unitard and dumping mountain dew on my head
Valve can't count [b]two[/b] three. They always have [b]two[/b] do this. They only make a couple games before going on [b]two[/b] a new franchise. You are going [b]two[/b] have [b]two[/b] wait until they go back [b]two[/b] school. I will need [b]two[/b] educate them on this subject or they will begin [b]two[/b] fail as a company. [spoiler][b][i][u]TWOTWOTWOTWOTWOTWOTWOTWOTWOTWOTWOTWO[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
Probable see the places in the world befor it ends those are Visiting Japan China Russia Romania Australia The red wood forests in cali Alaska The great barrier reef The pyramids in Egypt I think thats it for right now