*i enter with an adorable Baby Servitor*
[spoiler]Baby servitor is the only density related thing about me, pls no bash.[/spoiler]
Ether bottle if you have any for the little guy please.It's been through a lot.Also some water would be wonderful. *i pull out a stool to sit on it while the baby servitor hovers next to me*
*Dropkicks Servitor into ceiling* Out. Now.
*Ogre Titan crashes through the ceiling with a Buzzaxe and Krieg as the Pilot* "YOU LEAVE MY JOY ALONE OR I'L USE YOU'RE LIVER AS A HOOD ORNAMENT!"
*Pulls pilot out of cockpit and severs his spine at base of skull, then dismantles Titan*
I would rather have a baby servitors than dinklebot.
Who wouldn't?
how the hell do you pull out a stool?