Yesterday, I realized that running VoG on normal instead of hard led to a slightly higher chance of the Vision of Confluence scout rifle dropping. This morning, I gathered 6 friends (well, it ended up being 8 friends; 6 of us got up through the Gorgons, then 1 had to leave, so the rest of us defeated the Gatekeepers, after which 2 more dropped out and we found 3 new replacements to kill Atheon) and we raided the Vault on normal, as planned.
Long story short- the plan worked. I got my Vision of Confluence, first try! As a bonus, I got Corrective Measures from the Gatekeeper! I spent all afternoon doing bounties and leveling them up. Vision of Confluence got ascended first thing, it became a 300 out of the box- the very first Legendary weapon I've ascended. It's worth it.
Now, if I could only get the 4th Horseman from Nightfall...
Awesome! You're going to love the gun. I'm still trying to get praedyths timepiece