Nice to know[b] this perk doesn't work at all[/b] Now because of all the cry babies.
[spoiler]It's in almost every single hunters helmet. If it says [b]REPLENISH SUPER WHEN YOU KILL AN ENEMY WITH A GRENADE[/b] then you should replenish your super, yes or no?[/spoiler]
To alk the ppl that are crying plz shut the hell up. My fav class is the hunter for trails. N i got my super as much as someone that uses that stupid glitch call actually being able to get a kill. And im glad they fixed. Cause nothing else stackes in this game so why should that stack?
Just here collecting tears in this little cup \_/
Edited by krazy3kyle: 6/15/2015 9:02:15 PMWell I was defending it at first cause it sounded like it was working fine Then I see the video of what it does and yeah that shot was Op more op then the gally
It works when u kill things, but not when you chuck a swarm grenade into a small space and have it blow up on itself giving you ur super
Edited by Tamed: 6/15/2015 9:12:13 PMThey did a completely lazy "fix". I wouldn't even call it that tbh. Blame Bungie. It still doesn't work as described/intended. It's supposed to proc on grenade kills so getting a multikill with a grenade would charge your super even more. But now there is a cooldown, so after the first swarm/scatter grenade explosion the others that follow it won't charge your super. Its not supposed to work like that in the first place. Every grenade kill should charge your super, not only the first and not each explosion. They didn't fix it all. They made it completely useless. [b]F[/b]ucking lazy bastards I swear.
Go home Julie. You're drunk
Ashes to asset was broken - See what u said KILL an enemy) not hit them with a scatter grenade. Bungie did good here. move along.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Lenny has blessed you with his presence
Waiting for bungie to show apologies by giving the hunter a double nade perk.
Not sure if serious
Edited by NinjaGoogle: 6/15/2015 8:47:22 PMNah, it's stupid fuks like you who ruined it and USE IT EVERYWHERE! If you stupid fuk hunters kept it a secret instead of spending it like AIDS maybe it would still be have no one to blame...BUT YOURSELF.
Wait so kills with tripmine nades doesn't activate the perk?
Ah u bitches deserve what u deserve troollllllllll
when you kill the enemy, yeah haha
Kill yourself
Yet Thorn still remains OP as all hell.
what? i've never heard about this before. i didn't know people cried about it
*Starts up tear harvesting machine*
Lol it's your fault for exploiting it you angry child.
Hey man, the warlock and Titan baby's just can't let us have anything to top them. No wonder why they call themselves the best.. They nerf us to hell!
Bump, babies didn't realize that the perk got nerfed into oblivion it doesn't even function anymore, they should have just removed the perk from the exotic piece and swapped it with something else. So now in addition to being outgunned and outskilled I can't even get the occasional guaranteed kill because of how long super takes to charge even with 100% intellect. maybe we should just go cry at the bank and demand free money its obvious crying gets you what you want here why not at the bank