Question to all fellow warlocks what made you choose and main one? My reason was the looks and epicness of the nova bomb while i was playing in the beta
Because warlock fits my playstyle perfect. Been trying to enjoy my lvl 32 titan but it just feels to week.
I wanted to be a *cringe* Hunter at first but my friend convinced me that him, me and my other friend would all support each other as each class. He had a Titan and my other friend a Hunter so I was the Warlock. I don't regret making a warlock. Even when I have 3 34's of each class I enjoy my warlock the most. Now with Sith Lord powers it just make me wanna stay only on my warlock.
Came for the looks, stayed for the space magic.
All about looks. Hunters gas masks looked dumb, even though i like their moves. And titans look like masterchief knock off. Warlocks look very unique, never looked back
I actually worked a lot longer with my titan, but once I started really exploring the voidwalker I just really started getting into it. Three things keep me on 'lock: 1) Obsidian Mind. I've been experimenting with Voidfang lately but - is there a better VW exotic? 2) The most satisfying PvP experiences for me are the few times I've gotten a novabomb Breaker medal - way better than a titan 4-way fistfest. 3) my 'lock is a lovely specimen of Awoken femininity.
Dire skull is pretty good especially if you're good with Bad Juju. I've heard good things about Manacles but I don't personally like them (also haven't been playing VW recently) Heard The Ram is good. Claws of Ahamkara are good for either subclass Obsidian is also pretty solid I like Dire Skull more I think. Hope this helps!
Disapointed with hunter class during beta, preferred longer ranged super than titan
Random completely random.
Space Magic at first. Self-Rez was a happy addition to why I play.
I was really doubting wich class to go for, then i used my first nova bomb at a friend's house and i never wanted to use any of the other classes again
cause to be better than my cocky ass friend
Because nova bomb/self res
As soon as i saw "warlock" i knew, i just knew
Space Magic.
Funny enough since WoW I played anything with warlock as a name. And was not disappointed with destiny
Shotgun fingertips
SPACE MAGIC!!!! Need I say more?
Believe it or not for me it was the battlerobe at first xD
Nova bomb got me... Didnt even know about self res until about two months into the game when i killed a fellow warlock in crucible and nek minnit.... He was back in a big ball of fire to smite my ass...
Actually because I heard they were decent for sniping and had cool powers.
Space Magic!
Trench coats and space magic.
I saw the light and truth through the darkness of the void.
The melee lol
2 words[spoiler]space magic[/spoiler]correction 5 words[spoiler]warlockmasterrace[/spoiler]