Want to test out the new backwards compatibility or just wanted to get into the program?
Add TheGriizlyBear and send me a message on XBL. I'll be sending invites out ASAP.
They usually take a couple of days to pop up so be patient!
Edit: It's a lot of work to type in each name separately so if you don't mind doing so, sending me a friend request and a message on XBL is the easiest way for me to add you!
Edit: If you got the time leave a bump so others can get it on some action!
*touches butt*
I will do dis
I like the tags
[spoiler]notta bump[/spoiler]
Just added you. My GT is the same as above. I'll be sure to pay it forward!
Edited by Exotic Waffies: 6/21/2015 3:24:09 AMCan I please have a invite :) The L in waffles is a i
Good man (or woman)!
Do you get a message instantly after you get invited or is it like 24 hours or so
How do you do that my brothers a preview member.
I added you can you invite me please?
Can I get a invite? I added you
Send me one please! My gamer tag is Catnundrum.
Edited by cholula sins: 6/19/2015 9:53:35 PMI can send invs also. Gt cholula sins. Just send Me a friend request
Will you send me one? I'll add you
Oh I forgot. I just added you! My GT is Tedward2point0, just to make it clear.
Added, would love an invite whenever's convenient for you. Thank in advance! GT: OblivionCrest
Added you. Hit me up, my GT is G Square Eyre
Can you reply for later plz
Edited by ChunkyBiscuit: 6/17/2015 3:51:12 PMAdded and sent you a message! But how will we know when we are invited and if we got accepted?
Bump for the Griiz Master
PLZ IVT ME MY GT: Epic Gamer65 plz ivt me
Added you :) GT: v iFaaaazR xD
That would be great, I' ll send you an invite tomorrow. : )
Added and messaged! Legend
For some reason the invite didn't get to me. I had multiple friends try and haven't got a single message.
Just sent a message to you plus added you.