So you're saying hunters are great at not being seen?
I'm saying nightstalker as a supportive class doesn't fit this discription. As I said, your opinion is yours and mine is mine. Both are right because it's a subjective opinion
I understand where you're coming from, but I'd say as a supportive class, they did their best to make it still fit the idea of a hunter. They wanted to provide a subclass that conceptually fits, provides benefit to a team, and utilizes the missing damage type. As support goes, suppressing enemies is beneficial to the lone player as well as the team player. It means the hunter can use a solo ability in a context that provides team support. Similarly, you can use shadowjack to hide yourself, or you can use it to sneak around and revive your teammates. The abilities fit the description, but are flexible enough to provide benefits to a team. I suspect most people will still prefer that hunters on their team run bladedancer in strikes/raids to get the invisibility. It can save a nightfall just as well as a sunsinger. It's running a titan as the last man standing that makes me feel vulnerable. I have to get there before I c an pop the bubble to protect us... That can be a long difficult journey.