True! I used to play with older people and that means I feel pretty young while playing with my clanmates! ;)
And btw I look like 25 if I shape my beard! ^^
Ah beards :)) If it makes you feel any better I play with guys old enough to be my dads. Most of them already have 2-3 kids.. Haha
That's a good thing! To join our Clan you have to be over 25 now before it was over 30. :) So the majority of us have also kids. Although I'm married I don't have a kid now but maybe in a few years.
Well I hope your kids turn out smart, awesome, and gamers too. How long have yall been married?
Thank you that's nice! :) Am I really at the Destiny Forum? :D I'm married since 2013. It was a small Wedding with our Family and our best friends and it was really the best day in my life! All guys are a little bit anxious but I have to say you'll enjoy this day!
I'm so happy for you guys. :) And yeah I'm looking forward to the day I get married (if I do)... Lol
Yes you will! You seem like a nice person and the pic you had post show you are a cute girl! And if you say you don't want to get married, then you are the first girl I met that say she won't get married! :O I hope I don't sound like a kid because of my bad English! But it's hard to write in a foreign Language! ;)
Edited by Karmula: 6/16/2015 10:02:57 PMI do want to get married, I'm just going to med school and don't think I'd have time to find someone I'd like to spend the rest of my life with, but if I do then I'm excited. You're not from the U.S.?
Ok I see! :) Like I said you'll find the right person. No I'm come from Austria (it's the small country between Germany and Italy)! Arnold Schwarzenegger was born there. So my first Language is German. I try my best to learn English but the word order is so different in German! ;)
Wirklich? Ich bin deutsche :)
Lol! Warum quäle ich mich dann auf Englisch, wenn ich doch die Sprache der Poeten und Dichter verwenden kann, deren Klang mich jedes mal auf's Neue entzückt! ;) Wie ich es liebe, nicht wie ein fünfjähriger zu klingen! ;) So, jetzt nochmal auf Deutsch, mach dir keinen Stress heiratsfähiges Material zu finden, das kommt von ganz alleine! Du bist ein sehr nettes Mädel und nach deinem Foto zu urteilen, kann sich derjenige dann glücklich schätzen und sollte dir die Sterne vom Himmel holen! :D Bei meiner Frau habe ich sofort dieses gewisse etwas gespürt, ich habe gleich gemerkt, dass ich den Rest meines Lebens mit ihr verbringen möchte! Ich war vor ihr immer der Meinung, dass ich nie heiraten werde, aber mit ihr hat sich alles geändert. Wohnst du auch noch in Deutschland oder bist du ausgewandert?