We get bows, warlocks become Sith, and Titans get a fire version of mjolnir. I feel like we [i]might[/i] have gotten [i]slightly[/i] jibbed
I want to be Sith......
ever hear of that one hero from one of those classic movies named legolas?
Yep, we get to be Legolas!!!
Still, there better be a perk or helmet that makes it more than one shot or im gonna be pissed
lol, I hope so too.
Yeah I was thinking of that myself.
Still though...I hope your all ready for the arrow to the knee joke to finally apply to destiny
You know what I think I will buy taken king
I literally 10 min ago went to gamestop and got the legendary edition or whatever the most expensive one is called...im such a desticle...I need to die...
Hey I respect that man do what you want. Either way I just remembered the backwards Compatability thing so literally nothing can get me down today
Yep. No more crappy halo multiplayer