Tv, Computer, Gaming consoles, phone.
You name it, I took it.
[u][i]What[/i] are you going to do with your life now?[/u]
[b]Edit:[/b] [spoiler]1,000?!? Gosh you guys get [i]mad[/i] when I take away you stuff....[/spoiler]
I dunno read a book Get fit Decide my life is meaningless and drink bleach Sleep
Pls, no...
Actually you were about to give them back. *cocks shotgun*
But I still have my phone...
Go bat shit crazy
No you didn't.
I'd do this
Smoke weed, lmao
You can't. End of story.
Venture out into the wild to see what possibilities there are outside...[spoiler]My house;)[/spoiler]
Hiy my head against a wall
Probably go mountain biking with my friends
Go outside and tan for a bit. Then find something else to do.
How do you expect me to reply to this now?
Create a supercomputer I can upload my brain to. Then one day I can wake up and live forever. To bad the same will never happen to you.
Go to football practice and the wight room like I always do.
My usual "Netflix and chill" will now just be chill
Sits there and waits
╭☞( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭☞ \ . .\ \ \ / ╰U╯\
Work out, swim, take my kids and wife to a museum or parks there plenty of things to do without electronics. I may even pick up a book more often without any. I wouldn't mind it all actually. If you could, I would thank you for doing so and removing a major distraction from my daily life. It would keep me from laying on the bench between sets, reading post on off topic lol. Speaking of which, back to lifting I go!
Sharpening my blades for vengeance
I'm gonna read.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
How dare you. Give them back this instant! -
Read Draw Go for a walk Meditate ( done right it can be a real trip )
Actually go outside. Maybe actually get the girl. And if I'm lucky, my life will turn around .
Cry myself to sleep