Tv, Computer, Gaming consoles, phone.
You name it, I took it.
[u][i]What[/i] are you going to do with your life now?[/u]
[b]Edit:[/b] [spoiler]1,000?!? Gosh you guys get [i]mad[/i] when I take away you stuff....[/spoiler]
I'd still be playing basketball.
Be a productive person lol
Hmmmm... Make a cheese cake?
What am I gonna do? Take your virginity with me.
I'm going to punch you in the face and knock you out, then amputate your foot and sacrifice it to the technology gods so I could get all of my electronics back.
Go out with friends alot more. Be part of the "cool gang"
New objective. Kill you
Not respond.
End it
YOU BETTER GIVE THEM BACK, otherwise I'm gonna lick your eyebrows. You don't want to go down that road.
Kill you
not reply to OP
[b][i][u]BURN YOU WITH FIRE[/u][/i][/b]
Microwave it
Littlest bit frustrated because I just got Fallout 3 to barely start working on my PC enough to actually play it.
How am I reading this
*slaps in the face with a leather glove I challenge you to a dual sir, i demand satisfaction *cue western music and tumble weeds* We prance out there, i win, you die and theres cake and icecream
talk to myself
Punch you in the face
How am I seeing this then M8
Go on my skateboard or bike
Sit in the darkest corner of my room. No lights. No food. Just wait. The outside world is scary. I don't want to go. I shall remain here and wait for the golden age to come back
Maybe do stuff with my cat and get back into legos and bionicle...
But im Mr Device
Shove a power drill down your throat and take it back
Stick my dick in a tree