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Edited by jackdubs25: 6/18/2015 12:44:24 AM

So this guy was a complete asshole to my little brother...

JUST NOW MY BROTHER BEAT SKOLAS AGAIN-AND GOT REWARDS THIS TIME! My 11 year old brother came to me in tears just now. He had just beaten Skolas with two other guys and IMMEDIATELY got kicked right after Skolas went down. Then, this guy invited his friend to get the rewards, and started being a complete dick to my little brother for no reason. My brother said they called him "really mean names," and I frankly don't want to think about what that could mean. Why do people do this? I don't understand. I don't care if it's the Internet and people can be dickheads over anonymity, this is horrible. My brother shouldn't come to me crying because of some dickhead loser kicking him from the treasure room. Edit: to those who don't believe me, check my bro's history "Donald Doge" Edit 2: bro just told me he was kicked right after Skolas went down, so he didn't even get the drops. I had gotten that part wrong, but I edited it now Edit 3: Someone researched this guy and apparently he's the Xbox Live version of KirmitTHEFrog, he kicks everyone and invites his friends after completing activities. I can't post gamertags, but if you could do me the favor of finding my bro's Skolas match from earlier today and report that guy, it'd be great Edit 4: I can't believe this community. The kid who glitched and got his characters deleted got nothing but support, yet my brother who beat Skolas, got kicked AND cursed at by adults is being told he shouldn't have been doing that. -blam!-ing really guys? I'm done with this site. Yeah, I should've monitored it better, I'm doing that from now on, but seriously?! I doubt many of you have kids or younger siblings. Smh

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  • Doesn't matter the terms. If u went through all of scolas and kicked him right after he went down then ur just a dick plain and simple. No matter what He shouldn't be playing ? You shouldn't have played with him

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  • How did your brother know his buddy joined? Also if someone was to join towards the end how did the person get in without the team having to wipe.

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    3 Replies
    • Lesson learned- don't play with randoms. Destiny is populated by tools like thise to whom you refer

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    • Sorry to hear that but this is the world we live in

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    • Aye, some people in this community are jerks. It's why I mostly play with guys I've met.

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    • I don't know if thats possible, the only way to get someone into the skolas encounter is to wipe,maybe that changes or something after you beat it,im not sure, but lets assume this is's terrible, people in general (especially in bunches or younger guys with friends) can be unbelievably cruel, im sorry to hear this...personally, i prefer not to play with the youngsters (im 31), i like to have adult conversations that aernt for childrens ears...that being said, i have, and generally a well mannered mature kid i have had positive experiences...unfortunately this isnt the first and woulnt be the last post like them in game or if he remembers their handles, put them on blast right here

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    • Sorry that your brother got kicked :( those guys were a bunch of jerks and I hope your brother can beat him again soon and get his rewards that he deserved

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    • You have to explain to your siblings that there are trolls and awful beings on the other side of that microphone. Tell them, "what they say isn't true, they're just cursed thralls". Explain that terrible things can happen and they themselves can release their anger by letting out a loud "-blam!-!". It will relieve them from bottling up the curse set on them by those awful cursed thrall. Or mute the mics from the speakers and use no mic. Or use the mic for your bro. Or just notify the fireteam that you can't talk, but know what to do and that you have to turn the mic off, so you won't get booted. But it looks like your bro was going to get booted regardless.. that's just -blam!-ed up. Damned those cursed thrall.

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    • Edited by Cankle J: 6/17/2015 9:00:49 PM
      Why is this becoming a discussion about weather or not an 11 year old should play destiny? If it's not your child, then mind your own business and stick to the topic. That dudes a dick, sorry about your brother but there's turds in every community. You just gotta learn to suck it up.

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      2 Replies
      • You know, there's the very real chance your brother was being carried throughout, and caused multiple wipes or didn't listen to anyone else. No offense as well, but kids can talk for -blam!-ing hours non stop, seriously had a kid join a trials team, he did not shut the -blam!- up for an hour solid, ended up booting him just to stop the headache.

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      • Why did you by your 11 year old a T rated game? That should be the real question bro. I feel bad for your brother, but it is no one's fault but yours

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        6 Replies
        • Wow, those people are mean. I feel bad for your little brother.

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        • Edited by TheKillerSh0t: 6/17/2015 8:39:42 PM
          People like this really tick me off. Seeing a community act like the own everything and its all about them when its not. A community needs to work together and not bring people down. That goes for lag switchers and ddosers too. When people do this they dont understand what that other person may be going through. When someone says they need help on 35 POE and I get kicked nothing happens but a simple destiny report and what does that do. Nothing to be exact There's no temp ban or anything for those players who sap off other players. Just like afk guys in strikes do nothing but they still get rewards. Destiny has a horrible responce to those in the community that are leeches like this and will not get involved because they its your problem, but its there player base. They need to do something about this like at least temp bans or no item drops for specific time. You sir Have my report on this guy because this is unacceptable especially by adults.

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        • What console does he play on, I'll help him, I'm about his age

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        • Sorry to hear that, happens to a lot of people. All these jackasses in forums all talk but when that happens to them they'll come crying to the Forums. Best for your brother is to avoid LFG for skolas and play with friends. This game made many people become jackasses or even more of a jackasses.

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        • I don't have any kids or younger siblings, but I don't think that ANY player should be treated this way. Unfortunately, there are those people who will abuse, cheat, or rob others of what is rightfully theirs because they are too weak or cowardly to earn it themselves. It's a sad reflection on the real world. But, fortunately not everyone is like this. There are some decent great players out there, who do treat others with understanding, patience and respect. You need to look into a clan that you and your brother can join that doesn't tolerate this type of behavior and works towards helping each other. Otherwise, always make sure that you or your brother are the fireteam leader.

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        • To be honest, should an 11 year old be playing the game in the first place??? What is the age rating of the game?? Too young. That is the problem, rules broken everywhere, no action taken.

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          22 Replies
          • To be fair the game is rated teen... which he isn't.

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            12 Replies
            • Edited by Fox2quick: 6/17/2015 7:41:41 PM
              People are assholes. That's how the world is. There's no law or rule against being an asshole. It's unfortunate but there's nothing that can be done about it other than learn how to live life without it affecting you. This is a valuable learning experience for him. Teach him how to move on without letting it upset him.

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            • thats why i founded my own clan, and have plenty of friends :)

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            • 0
              You bro cried? Thats pathetic dude, he is clearly too young to be playing online games then!?! Some big brother you are letting him get exposed to what the real adult world is like when he's not rdy for it, and how was he in their lobby? Lfg site? Thats pretty irresponsible to let 11 yr olds on there isn't it? You have failed your lil bro on many fronts by the look of it

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              20 Replies
              • That's why I'm always host.

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              • Well... Just deal with it bro. There will always be assholes out there looking to shit on other people's days. There's really nothing you can do except report the guy, and try to be the fireteam leader more often so people don't kick you.

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              • Tell him "stranger danger".

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              • So I guess everyone here didn't see a rated R movie until they were 17, or a PG-13 movie before they were 13? My 10 year old plays, have no problems with it. Rather him play this than GTA or Mortal Kombat

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              • Bc people are manipulative and honestly 11 yr olds shouldn't be on Xbox live talking to teens and adults.

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