My 11 year old brother came to me in tears just now. He had just beaten Skolas with two other guys and IMMEDIATELY got kicked right after Skolas went down. Then, this guy invited his friend to get the rewards, and started being a complete dick to my little brother for no reason. My brother said they called him "really mean names," and I frankly don't want to think about what that could mean.
Why do people do this? I don't understand. I don't care if it's the Internet and people can be dickheads over anonymity, this is horrible. My brother shouldn't come to me crying because of some dickhead loser kicking him from the treasure room.
Edit: to those who don't believe me, check my bro's history "Donald Doge"
Edit 2: bro just told me he was kicked right after Skolas went down, so he didn't even get the drops. I had gotten that part wrong, but I edited it now
Edit 3: Someone researched this guy and apparently he's the Xbox Live version of KirmitTHEFrog, he kicks everyone and invites his friends after completing activities. I can't post gamertags, but if you could do me the favor of finding my bro's Skolas match from earlier today and report that guy, it'd be great
Edit 4: I can't believe this community. The kid who glitched and got his characters deleted got nothing but support, yet my brother who beat Skolas, got kicked AND cursed at by adults is being told he shouldn't have been doing that. -blam!-ing really guys? I'm done with this site. Yeah, I should've monitored it better, I'm doing that from now on, but seriously?! I doubt many of you have kids or younger siblings. Smh
I'm a younger sibling but that shit is -blam!-ed my man
Welcome to the real world mother-blam!-er. [spoiler]Jokes. A lot of assholes on Destiny. Sorry to hear your bro get upset. [/spoiler]
Losing characters is a bigger blow than being called a -blam!- lmao
So all this because one little kid called another little kid "mean names" over a video game? wow, maybe you should be the lil bro.
I feel sorry for your brother because the same thing happened to me a few weeks back
That sucks I have 3 younger brothers so I couldn't Imagine how much that could have sucked
That really sucks but seriously[spoiler]I'm the OG Cayde 6[/spoiler]
It's too bad that happened, but don't play with randoms, and certainly don't let your 11 year old brother play with randoms. It'll happen. He's certainly not the first to be kicked at Skolas, and won't the last. Man up and get over it. It's unfortunate, but nothing you can do. At least he's smarter than the idiot who share played with a stranger.
Sucks and the guy was completely in the wrong but I really don't think an 11 year old should be playing online games with strangers.
It sucks that people have to be like that. Best of luck, guardian. Tell your brother to keep his chin up. Better days are ahead.
I totally understand you dude. People are assholes because they feel bad about themselves. I'm the older brother of three other kids. It really sucks to see assholes on the internet cussing out little kids. It really makes me sad to see that the culture has gone downhill so much that people start hating on children. Just try to ignore it. And when you find assholes like that just remember that they're sad themselves and just ignore em.
Bring on the banhammer, Bungie!!
Well as much as I feel bad for your bro, part of your story is incorrect. You can't invite people to POE at all after wave 6 starts, so he could have been kicked, but he was not replaced with anyone.
Bro you can't pretend to be surprised if there wasn't an overwhelming response of love and compassion on here. You're posting this in a forum populated mostly by post pubescant trolls learning their trade. The vocal minority on here would gladly sh!t in your cereal if you let them know that it bothered you. In the end, this isn't a game INTENDED for younger kids, and they need to learn to be safe around older strangers that just might take advantage of their naivete. (I have two kids below 13 that play as well.)
If your brother needs help doing PoE or anything just tell him to message me in game. I hate cowards who have nothing better to do for fun than be cruel online behind the veil of anonymity.
I had same thing happen to me last week. People that do this are scum. The rewards are terrible, but after going through all those stages and skolas, it was devastating for me. I learned my lesson. Never let anyone else be fireteam leader unless a close friend. If u join 2 randoms and they don't allow you to take over fireteam leader just leave
Why is your 11 year old brother playing a 16 game?
Sucks but why are you so surprised? There are ppl in here who never managed to beat skolas, and seeing how a 11year old tackled him can make a few of them quite salty. On the other hand, he's a kid and should not play Destiny, CoD, GTA etc. but rather stick to something his age like lego or whatever. This will also help him avoid the scum of gaming community, people who will mock, abuse, and humiliate him, turning him into a self-doubting, mentally fragile young man with trust issues. You should take better care of him.
Some people. If you ever need someone to do skolas I'm often available
I came back to the game after having quit for a month, got kicked from the nightfall, and didn't play for 2 months after that.
Complain to Bungie. They will give you a fate of all fools.
From a fellow guardian, I would be happy to help your brother with skolas anytime. Gt djchubbs vi, always here to help a fellow guardian that was cheated by cruel people.
Welcome to 2015
Can I kick him too? Kids are so annoying
What system? I would love to help him out.
That's shitty. Some people are dbags and deserve to be kicked in the junk. Hope that doesn't happen to him again. Bungie doesn't give a damn about the shitheads on their apps. All they give a damn about is the $$$ lining their pockets. They wouldn't do shot about it. Their response will be, " make friends on the third party site to form fireteam because we are too dumb and lazy to let you matchmake. Instead we'd rather put you through the trouble of searching sites for someone to run with and form a team only to find out they're assholes and kick you at their most opportune moment." Yes, I think a big FU should go out to those "super smart" devs at Bungie who don't think we need matchmaking or vault space.