Buckle up floof, gonna be a long one.
So it started when my sister went to the doctors to get a melanoma checked out, and they discovered that it had already spread as a very dangerous cancer. She was instantly rushed to an hospital [location withheld] and put on chemotherapy almost as soon as we got there. The doctors were doing a lot of work and told us to come back every few days to check on her. Nights at home were really awkward, with little to no interaction at dinner times, and no one saying much at all for that matter. Visits to her were not pleasant either. She was wired up from heaps of places, couldn't eat, couldn't talk. It was basically just mum dad and I standing over her, letting her know we were there for her. On Last Friday, when we went for our fifth visit, everything was just as depressing as normal, although there was a weird vibe in the hospital, as everyone was staring at us silently. We got to the chemo ward where my sister was, and we open the door to see everyone standing up, crowding around the hospital bed with my sister laying motionless on it, and the main doctor turns her head slowly and whispers:
"Stop. Get on the floor. Everybody do the dinosaur."
I'm a Cancer