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Edited by SortaSteve: 7/10/2015 11:10:47 AM

Do you still feel cheated? Season pass owners (read the whole post)

Edit: how do you feel about everything now that they have finally released their weekly update? Personally I like what they did for the digital items people were complaining about but still find the lack of a way to buy TTK CE with physical items and not rebuy the game kind of disheartening. (Or at least a mention about fixing this for future releases since I understand at this point the physical items are pretty much sold out) -As for the price being $20 I think this is the highest price they saw on posts like this and just went with it. (All the people saying $60 would be fine for the DLC and the in-game items as a package price) Quote from bungie: [quote] BUNGIE TTK director "I could put that emote on the screen and you would throw money at it." [/quote] [b]And you all still just let them do this shit by buying stuff without fighting for us to not get ripped off.[/b] Edit: as point out below Bungie has finally acknowledge this mistake!! Skip to 7:30 in the video. [quote] [/quote] So looking at all the options for taken king I'm curious where the hell our version is. God knows I'm not paying $79.99 just because you made the only version that has the 3 class items, 3 shaders, sparrow, bonus Xp, early access weps, emotos, collectables include the game and all previous dlc. So where is our option? As someone who paid for your season pass, and played since alpha who obviously already has your game and dlc. Aka a option that just has the dlc, the xp boost, the 3x of everything, early access weps, new emotos, and the sparrow. & An Option for the above plus the collectors items for digital downloaders. (EDIT#5 more clarification on options wanted) Edit: AND your "thank you for being loyal" 1 year stuff can be gained easily by anyone who buys the $80 version? Are you joking...? Stop being little -blam!- boys to Activision bungie and support your community like you used to with halo. Looks like our only options are buy it without any rewards and just get the dlc, or drop way too much money to get money gouged buy what we already have. Completely pathetic money grabbing move by you. EDIT: I understand (unlike a lot of people) that the game goes down in price. I'm not arguing about your price I'm pointing out that you don't have a bloody option for those of us who want all the perks and already gave you about $90 in the first place and don't want to rebuy the game. Edit: shout out to all the people who comment about the catchy title and what they think a season pass is but don't actually read the post to see that's not what this is about. #stopthedumbz Broke 1000 replies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  • Bottom line, the shit items like shader, emote, emblem... Bungie has no reason not to hand those out to EVERYONE who buys the $40 DLC. There are no production costs to this crap. It's all artificial value. Frankly, they should hand that out to the fans on their 1 year character creation... and screw the new people. 1 year of our time to support your game. At least some kickback would be thankful.

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    • This is what people say: -I have spent so many hours playing this game and I get nothing, zilch, smack on the face from bungie. My thoughts on your statement - So you're telling me that you spent many hours playing this game and you got no satisfaction or entertainment out of this game. Every hour you spent raiding, pvping, trialing etc ment nothing to you and now you expect bungie to give you sh!t. (You)- Well yeah I payed like 100 dollars on this game. I expect to get something for doing that. (Me)- So you paid for the dlc, you got the dlc and played the content in the DLC. Am I right? (You)- Yeah (Me)- Hmmmmm..... Oh I get it, someone forced you to play. (You)- Yeah!!!....I mean no. Yes, no. I don't know.

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      21 Replies
      • Bump

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        • That video was posted june 19th....

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          • One question, how does a new player actually get the VIP rewards? You have to be level 30 BEFORE September 15th.

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            • Bump[quote][spoiler][url=][b][quote][u][spoiler][i][quote][url=][quote][b][spoiler]kcjfkfg[quote][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]dnkfkjdjf[spoiler]djfjfjfjf[quote][b][spoiler][url=]kdi[spoiler]jfkdjd[quote][b][url=]n[u]kdkcjxksp[spoiler]m&:9/@£|'sp[b]u[u][spoiler][i][spoiler][url=]p[spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]sjje[spoiler][url=][b][b][url=][i]e[quote][b][quote][quote][quote][quote][b][i][spoiler][b]wrt[/b][/spoiler][/i][/b][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/b][/quote][/i]link[/url][/b][/b]link[/url][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]link[/url][/spoiler][/i][/spoiler][/u][/b][/spoiler][/u]link[/url][/b][/quote][/spoiler]link[/url][/spoiler][/b][/quote][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/quote][/spoiler][/b][/quote]link[/url][/quote][/i][/spoiler][/u][/quote][/b]link[/url][/spoiler][/quote]

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              2 Replies
              • [quote] So our trending threads are most likely being removed. Bungie is trying to keep us from spreading the word on Luke Smiths disaster interview. Linked above is the interview. Bump this and copy paste to forums! Don't let them win! Fight back guardians![/quote]

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                • [quote][/quote]

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                • I know a massive part of the price strategy is to make money! However I feel cheated. I paid for a SEASON PASS. These passes seen to dictate access to additional content for a price. I'm ok with paying more than $30 for dlc but when I have to repurchase content I already have and have already paid for it makes no sense. We who have the season pass are the true day one players. We should be offered the extra stuff as an addition to the dlc fee. Like $10 would be perfect.

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                  • The technology it self is worth the price. Think about our sega nes and game boy days, boys and girls. I feel yall on the principle tho. We've come along way. The technology demands the price, alone. But I feel y'all. I decided I'm just gonn miss out on the coin. Although I'd love it, I can afford to buy it, but i ain't gonn pay for the same thing again. Make a strange coin bundle or i just miss out. But taken king will be in my system. Maybe not September 15, or it maybe One way or another, if that bitch ORYX doing what i thought i seen. flying around with some what of a mighty Excalibur, I should say, And shooting projectiles. Then my friends whenever you do get taken king, then home boy we all gonn have problems with this bitch End..

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                    5 Replies
                    • Ppl defending it are straight idiot fanboys, there is no rationale other than that. Bungie literally just said -blam!- you and what you want and you defend that? Shame on you your all disgrace to America!

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                      • Bump

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                        • BUMP

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                          • So is the emote a stripper? If so i will throw all my ones at the screen.

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                            1 Reply
                            • [quote] So our trending threads are most likely being removed. Bungie is trying to keep us from spreading the word on Luke Smiths disaster interview. Linked above is the interview. Bump this and copy paste to forums! Don't let them win! Fight back guardians![/quote]

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                            • I won't be throwing money at the screen for emotes. I wanted the Collectors Edition items without buying content I already own. That's what I would throw money at...

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                              7 Replies
                              • Damage control

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                                • Edited by Vicetexin: 6/23/2015 12:24:00 AM
                                  It's also ridicolous how a new player can just buy the digital collectors edition and get the "vip package" as well.

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                                  • Why do people care about these things? I mean its just stuff. Stuff that I know ill get replaced a week into the expansion. People now a days are so entitled.

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                                    10 Replies
                                    • The Taken Wallet DLC Are you ready for the fight of your life Guardian? You killed Crota and Now Oryx has come for your wallet. Experience recycled levels, old enemies, and broken gameplay. Unbalanced multiplayer and no dedicated servers. A RNG system that will make you think that nothing is ever random. No new vault space to store new weapons. Which weapons will you keep? And how many 100's will you delete? Oryx has come to wreck your wallet Guardian. Bend over and take it like a champ. Brought to you by Bungievision! Pre order now, year one guardians get a crappy shader, emblem, and sparrow. And to all the new guardians out there get everything, yes EVERYTHING! for half the price as our loyal community! Also you get cooler preorder bonuses that vanilla players don't.

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                                    • Can I haz recon?

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                                      • 1
                                        Luke Smith made money off the Iraq War.

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • If you guys want all the new emotes and stuff just create a new psn/xbox live lol

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                                          3 Replies
                                          • Found this on another post. Sounds interesting.

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                                            5 Replies
                                            • It's not a season pass

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