I'm unfortunately going to have to cancel my pre-order for The Taken King. I can not condone these types of business practices from such an esteemed company.
This is just as bad as having to buy the same game 2-3 times from different stores to unlock all the exclusive real life vendor dlc. I have to buy the game a second time so I can have a cool sparrow that I'll barely be able to see due to my character obscuring it, an exotic class armor piece that increases xp that I'll never be able to use because I need to rank up my factions, and emblems? How can you give out emblems to players? It was bad enough when you gave out emblems to people for being on bungie.net for way too long, now you give it out exclusively to new players and only give us some measly loyalty emblem?
I can't tolerate this any longer, I'm going to have to go play TESO instead where I can buy a horse for 25 dollars.
I really hope TTK is not like the previous dlcs. For me destiny has become stale as far as pve goes. I really only play destiny now for trials and iron banner😧. But I will be getting TTK no doubt!
Dam u str8 babygurl
Truth not buying it either gonna wait till destiny 2 comes out and it comes with everything for free also still mad at the fact we Xbox one users still don't have the ps4 exclusives been way too long
Edited by Green_Legend_Ran: 6/18/2015 12:27:09 AMRofl! Love the flaming from the illiterates. People complaining about not including #satire should read Voltaire and tell me where he comes out in his works and states it is satire. Edit: typos
Got to the ESO comment.... Immediately started laughing. G8 b8 m8
I've played a ton of this game. But I can't get the expansion. Reasons are as follows: 1. If I purchase the 40$ game I need to use my original destiny disk to play just like the 20$ expansions. So I'm paying double just cause.... 2. Adding new content with 1 raid and limited items is gonna mean I'm gonna be max level after 2 weeks since they are not changing and will be just like how. 3. After 200$ in games that we buy. They still refuse to put an in game clan maker or lfg tool into the game, and keep low vault space and poor programming to tailor to old gen systems. 4. The lack of support is just not enough to contend with upcoming games. Elder scrolls online has 400x the content. And expansions are free. Star Wars has way more content and better graphics since they didn't hold back to cater to old consoles. Nhl16. I personally feel like I got what I could out of this game. For new players the game will be unreal. For someone who has 3 Lvl 34s already after 2 weeks of playing, I can't see this expansion being worth another 40$ for 2 weeks worth of content. There are better games coming out. 100$ bucks says the raid won't be ready at launch anyway
Im so sad to see you leave! So so sad
Edited by U8559484: 6/17/2015 11:04:55 PMI'll play ESO with you. Which faction?
Good for you. I couldn't care less
It's like nobody can read. I see now why so many people use the #satire tag. It's like "OK EVERYBODY HERE COMES A JOKE DON'T MISS IT"
Turn down for what!
909 tears collected
Good, see ya. One less cheap scrub.
Edited by Luckdog26: 6/17/2015 7:27:52 AMPre order cancelled? How is that possible when preorders only opened up on Monday? Stop posturing. "I can't condone these business practices" That's the most ironic thing I've heard all day. You probably have less than zero idea how many dodgy business practices you financially support on a daily basis, but yet a game developer creating a "one for all" Collectors Edition? That's unacceptable...... If only the rest of the civilian populations of the world were as passionate about their governments, as this community is about complaining over stupid shit, the world might actually be a better place.
Edited by ajaxMMM: 6/17/2015 11:15:40 PMOk think of it like this; does your cable company give you better rates the longer you are a customer? In fact they increase your rates while giving new customers better deals. Companies are always more focused on bringing in new customers because they more likely to stick around, where long time customers (like many of you who're complaining) have a greater tendency to leave (which many of you are threatening.) Edit- ah satire. L2Read. Gotcha ...
Edited by CookieNiki: 6/17/2015 8:34:47 PMYou know there's a digital version only with the expansion and also the cosmetic items, right? "[b][i]Digital Download For Guardians That Own Destiny and Both Expansions"[/i][/b] [i]"Guardians that own Destiny and both expansions - The Dark Below and House of Wolves- will have special access to purchase a digital copy of Destiny: The Taken King, the next evolution in the Destiny universe". [b]"Contents[/b] - The Taken King - As a thank you to our most loyal fans, you will receive a commemorative Founder's Fortune Year 1 Emblem, Sparrow, Armor Shader, and more at launch with your purchase of The Taken King".[/i]
All I want are the emotes...and I have to pay 40 bucks extra for them.
See ya.
Yall are thick for pre ordering in the first place. I mean, after the launch of the base game, then the pvp dlc... lol really? What'd you expect...?
b8 2/8
All class items will offer XP boosts not just the exotic ones sold with the CE. https://mobile.twitter.com/DestinyNews_net/status/611053187982860288/photo/1 the sparrow, the black shader and emblem are for vets who have been around since the beginning and have purchased both DLC.
Why'd you preorder in the first place?
Let me get this straight, so you pre ordered instantly and didn't read what you were buying, then realized and had to cancel? Did you actually go full retard or are you trying to just get attention?