I'm unfortunately going to have to cancel my pre-order for The Taken King. I can not condone these types of business practices from such an esteemed company.
This is just as bad as having to buy the same game 2-3 times from different stores to unlock all the exclusive real life vendor dlc. I have to buy the game a second time so I can have a cool sparrow that I'll barely be able to see due to my character obscuring it, an exotic class armor piece that increases xp that I'll never be able to use because I need to rank up my factions, and emblems? How can you give out emblems to players? It was bad enough when you gave out emblems to people for being on bungie.net for way too long, now you give it out exclusively to new players and only give us some measly loyalty emblem?
I can't tolerate this any longer, I'm going to have to go play TESO instead where I can buy a horse for 25 dollars.
Think of it like this...it will be Christmas noob season again! Going 9-0 in trials will be pretty easy when people jump in and complain about the thorn being overpowered and "too hard to get" Yes it's annoying that noobs get an experience class item, but it doesn't matter because you can max out stuff pretty easily. Armor is a bit harder than guns but can still be maxed in a day. Shaders serve no purpose. Your armor color won't effect your game experience (except the iron banner ones that boost iron banner experience gains). It's not like they get an exclusive exotic that shoots 5 gjallarhorn rockets that spawn 2x the wolfpack rounds. Let the noobs get the dlc handed to them. It doesn't bother me. It will just make blowing their heads off with the queenbreakers bow that much more fun.
Tldr my feelings are hurt and I want someone to kiss my bubu and make it better
I really wish the entitlement generation would just go away.
I wish I were strong enough to do that. I'm too addicted. I'm the kind of people that they get their successes from, and I promote them charging us for the rest of our game that we should have received in the beginning. Thanks Obama.
You forgot #satire
Whine less, leave faster.
Last I checked pre-ordering is an option. No ones forcing you to buy now. If you wait till release it'll still be there.
I heard they will be giving the three emotes and sparrow to anyone who already has both expansions and at least one character at lvl 30. But you have to buy the 40$ expansion and play it on day one. Am I wrong ?
OK. Then BYE! I'll pay $40 to keep a game alive for 1 extra year, rather than pay $60 for another game. What? Y'all bitchin bout prices, think about it then!
I've dropped destiny to play the smite beta on Xbox one! Needless to say that smite beta has more content than destiny does.
No one should pre-order games.
Comparing the new games like siege, fallout, and others for 60 and with season passes typically being 30 i dont see why i should pay for anything else (capping dollar signs higher than my level). And, since bungie said you could pretty much jump back in like a srub off the street despite skill or anything that differentiates you from others, i dont see why i should keep indulging their point of sell tatics. And lets be honest once you have ghorn youve beaten the game, might as well rename it Excalibur. If bungie thinks they can sit here and sell this crappy story one 40$charge at a time im not going to support a company that cant even get on naughty dogs level. No offense but ive seen better stories on daytime soap operas. If bungie can't show free love, then i don't want your shotty game. (pun intended)
satire best tire
So what is it you actually want? You don't want the shader, the emblem, the sparrow or class items. What are you looking for generally?? If you don't want all that BS, it shouldn't matter about the collectors edition and you should be straight with just the expansion price.
They don't really care if you don't like their business practice they are a company out to make money not to care if you like how they choose to make money. it is called making a choice on what you get, you were not ever going to get it all unless you did that and this is not the first or last game to eve do this nor will it ever be no matter if you stopped buying games all together. They have the right to give out new things to new players because it is their right for it is their game, not the players, they do not ever have to treat all players fair and equal ever on who gets what for what price ever.
Welp, bye.
Wtf is teso? Lolollll
Thank you for your service for [b]NOT[/b] Pre-ordering!
[b] [/b]
Sell the stuff you don't want from it. Like, I'm selling The discs for $25 to a friend.
I c wut u did ther
Yeh sure you did. Just like MW3 boycott /mute
Nobody cares sir
Haha- nice.