originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Patience is key. wait for ythe right moment to stirke. wait for yoru enemy to unleash their all. Wait to take the victory.
*sits down as he tocehs the ground a clank is oudn is hear dbut no emtla is seen but on hsi right arm guanlet*
you seem more mechanical. and to think i sued to be a full on cyborg. nothing but Leg suport and a cybernetic eye now aday. but been a half demon eventually gets its perks...
But I am full demon, in a cybernetic body...your mother was a demon yes?..... *i hold my right hand up to my face, it slowly shifts into a arm cannon like arm, then turns back into a hand* Transformium...highly moldable..limited only to imagination....mostly....
well. id call her that but as far as i know she was human never me ther. i refused to sue her second name. I only use my Dads second name Salazar. my name is Alejandro. I adquired demon form when I died klled the demon lord of war. and used his arm to rplace mine. i didnt expected that to infect me with demon blood. now i am a half blooded demon lord of war...
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/17/2015 12:57:16 AMi can tell, after I saw you at the metting in the underworld instead of Tesarion....I vaguely remember a "salzar" family member recently succumbing to death. Other than you.....I wonder.....
well my dad is long death. mys siter is alive. shes stornger than me after all and the rest of my family is alive so dunno.
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/17/2015 2:19:12 AM*you faintly see something appear on my hub* Well then...I gotta go... [b]my helmet forms over the top of my face and the purple visor lights up[/b] Gotta blast!..... *my 4 cyber wings unfold, spread out, and ignite with purple fire, I then quickly fly away, leaving a trail of purple fire behind me*