I've had one before but learned my role. You don't even know what you wanna do, having all 3 classes. That just means you're mediocre will all of them. Regardless, I still look forward to being proved wrong by real hunters.
Consider yourself proven wrong
Actually i do my main is hunter. Its the first one i made and is always the character i log onto everyday. I made the other two classes so i wouldnt be missing out on their perspective. I wanted to see how the game would be different with the other two. Trust me, ive thought about deleting my warlock a bunch of times.
Me to want to take the blam out
Then why not do it?
Because ive alresdy put a lot of time maxing it out. Plus i want to see what the new exotics are like. I might do it. What made you to make three titans? Just curious.
I have terrible luck with this game so I made 3 to run the raids and whatnot 3 times a week. Plus if I have 3 of the same class it becomes less of a hassle to level up gear and weapons. I also appreciate a good defense so I'm a Defender to the end.
Yeah thats why i like titans. If nightstalker is a true support class and i see more gameplay im saying fairwelk to my beutiful warlock.
Hopefully I'll find you out there