Well, if you want her back without the corruption, load your last save file
Oh, good idea. (Synth through my mind- I'm gonna go have some punch!) Wait, Synth. NO! It's..... poisoned. Yeah, poisoned. That's it. (Synth through my mind- Yeah, soooo convincing.)
Hi guys just a friendly Ti-... Wait a minute, I swear this has already happened... Didn't it end badly last time?... <.<___>.>... *Drinks punch*
Yeah! You dropped missingno into it last time.....
NO!!! *shoots A Striker dead* IM SORRYYYYYY!!!
But he didn't drop it into the punch this time. O_O You just killed one of your titan bros for no reason!!!!
Don't worry, his ghost is up. :) I'll go revive him! *revives dead guardian* Owww, what happened?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh *runs*
Dude you're fine!!! *Titan starts chasing you* Oh gosh.....
Ahhhhhh! *runs faster*
Wait stop! *fires ShadowShot and tethers enemy titan* Calm down, he didn't know!!!!
lol, dude. I think he's calmed down. *FoH and we become ghosts.* Oooor not. *you start trying to punch me*
I thought he would calm down......
At least our ghosts can revive us. :D
[b]yeah... This time...[/b] *revives* *foH unafraid* That's for getting me killed.
You -blam!-ing douchebag! Ressurect me now!!!! *gets revived* *kills A Titan with Golden Gun* Thats for killing me after I [b]unintentionally[/b] got you killed!
[b]hmmmmmmmm[/b] *goes invisible* *goes uninvisible, scares unafraid* *revives* HHAHAHA
I'll kill you! *activates bladedancer and slashes you apart* *revives* HHAHAHAHA!!!!
Dang it can't I have a little fun?
lol, I like killing you in revenge! XD
Dang it. *jumps off cliff* [b]now I can scare you again hehehe[/b]