originally posted in:Legion of Wing
A long time ago in a world of destiny there once was Guardian by the name of FoxRanger27 a legendary gaurdian he was always the best of the best a master with red death. He was quite the fan of pulse rifles, he had many aliases such as CRed811 and Majors meat licker. FoxRanger27 was a valiant guardian he was constantly getting awarded for being the best of the best. No matter the challenge he could overcome any obstacle by sitting in his ward of dawn with a found verdict. He confused his opponents with his relentless studdering and trivial pursuit mastery. However one fateful day charles took him to the pool to relax after some stressful games of control and baseball (a gay sport) where they skinny dipped and did cannonballs with each other wrapped around themselves. Cathy a mistress at the tower locked them out causing them to cuddle for warmth. Ever since that fatefull day FoxRanger27 has been a different kind of titan, still best of the best, but not the same.
That was really funny, but you misspelled my mom's name
Part two Coming soon