I have a link to a page [url=http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150215164832/creepypasta/images/c/c5/Profile_picture_by_ask_smile_dog-d5jh5p9.jpg&imgrefurl=http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/File:Profile_picture_by_ask_smile_dog-d5jh5p9.jpg&h=300&w=270&tbnid=8wXvR75O7JVPmM:&zoom=1&docid=4o95iA-_fBfprM&ei=1diAVY29KMrEogTA8YHwDg&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-sprint-us&ved=0CCAQMygCMAJqFQoTCM37iOXUlcYCFUqiiAodwHgA7g]here[/url] with lots of information on this subject.
*doesn't click*
You're very wise, Julie. Smiledog isn't very pretty.
Wth is that?
Click the link. It's just an unsettling image.
Nah I'm good
Julie, don't be scared.
I'm scared
Click it and I will give you a cookie.
*is already eating a cookie irl*
Edited by cool cake: 6/17/2015 9:17:43 PM*same here* Um... I'll invite you to rp in my thread if you click it?
You're hurting me.
Sari bby
Okay, I won't make you for an OP8 Practicable version of every Interfacer.
I'll see if i have it
practicable prefix is prefered. Two of each would also be nice... aaaand, if you really wanna make this old woof happy, a slag Lady Fist.
1 request becomes many
I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do in return?
Well, at the very least, you'll have my gratitude.
Edited by cool cake: 6/19/2015 2:41:45 AMForget I asked. -_-