Hi there & thanks for reading. So im looking for a little help with everything but for now just the Eris Morn bounties. (No im not lookin to be carried.) Im a day 1 player who only has a lvl 27 Hunter & you may ask why. Well I am a female (no creepers please) whose bf plays ALL the time. I get up a little earlier or stay up later than he does just so ii can play, so im only on for a couple hours a day. Right now im lookin for help with the Crota bounties (Eye, Hand & Heart). You dont have to be the nicest person in the world (im not, so expect to hear youself called a couple names a few times, lol) but as long as your not a COMPLETE asshole we should get along fine. I have a mic & love a good strategy if you can think of one. Thats pretty much it, & thanks for your time once again. :)
I feel the need to let people know im not a great player. I can hold my own & have carried a few people, but that was mostly luck. My armor isnt great but I do have a legendary gun for each slot. Not great ones but they get te job done.