Ahh.. Thank you.. Now i'm gonna need do pay for damage to my face. -_-
Gives 100,000,000 credits there you go
Uh...... Are you serious?
I was gonna pay for it myself, but if you're really serious.
I am dead serious
Okay........ Uh...... Bye? I guess? *Walks backward*
*gets up, brushing off dust on my shoulders.* Y u do dis?
Sorry about that! Would you like some *punches hunter to death* PUNCH
*My ghost revives me.* No thanks, A Nightstalker killed me about that already because of the Missingno incident..... But thanks anyway... Uh.... Gotta go!! *I run.*
*looks behind* Oh...... Sssssssssssheeeeeeeeeeeeit. *I get on my ship and fly to the hunter party.*
*chases on foot to hunter party*
(I'm preparing them for the Cmdr Dornick's Wrath.)