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originally posted in: Hunter Family Meeting
6/17/2015 11:37:39 PM
I've been thinking of making a hunter give me some reasons to do so pls

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  • Got 1 of each char. All 34. Warlock is just crap, i don't even want to play as 1 but have it just so i can say i have all 3 34 Titan. The most usefull class there is tbh There is always a spot in the team for a titan. Shoulder charge for laughs in pvp. Ect ect ect Now the main class and why ppl hate them!!! HUNTER!!! They are a sign of perfect aim. Having built in abilitie that supports precision kills with an insane reload speed on everything!!! Golden gun is a 1 shot in pvp...if your aim isn't true....go play as a warlock. Highest mobility!!!!!!! They all say hunter have the worst Def in game. Since warlock have overshield and drain bla bla bla. But how do we survive while warlocks turn to use..selfres???? we dance with bullets. We don't floof around and when things go bad we have to selfrez or panic fist some1. We close in while evading!! NOW you don't make 1 because you want to. Hunter is a class that takes alot of skills. Therefor we are hated by those who's aim isn't true enough. They simply can not handel this playstyle of fast moving and quicker killing to survive. All that short. Hunter is fun to play with. Although it takes some time to learn how to play as one. You will like it once you have masterd that what lurks in the dark. Enjoy!

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  • After E3 and seeing a lot of gameplay for the Nightstalker subclass... I feel that the hunter is going to become the most useful class overall... Bladedancer for nightfalls with all of the invisibility, and nightstalker for stopping other supers and stopping enemies in pvp so teamates can move in for the easy kill, and the ability to stop large groups of enemies and make them immobile in raids ect. and abilities to buff teamate stats i think that a lot of people will start envying hunters even more

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  • This ^ is why hunter is ny favorits

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  • See man thxs for the insight yea I'll be making one

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  • One word... [spoiler]bladedancer[/spoiler]

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  • We have throwing knifes.

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  • Golden gun if accurate is amazing in pvp, and if you get celestial nighthawk it is the most damage producing super in pve, bladedancer gives you blink for pvp, bladedancer is op in pvp, the invisibility perks on bladedancer are really helpful in pve, and the new nightstalker super will finally give the hunter the support class it needed and you will be able to kill someone in pvp(if directly hit) with the super then it will attach itself to any nearby enemies slowing them down and making it so they can't jump, throw grenades, super (all they can do is shoot) and it can cancel another players super if you hit them with it ( really good for sunsingers and bladedancers) and in pve it will be emensly helpful... I personally love my hunter and the hunters agility is just so nice to play with

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  • Oh yeah... Hunter is awesome :) invisibility build with lord of wolves and fast revive chest - - - > best medic

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