originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*as you fire the lazer I'm knocked back, as you slash at me, 3 mechanical tendrils wrap around your arm*
Nice try...
*2 more tendrils wrap around your arm to raise you up, as I do the rest of the mechanical tendrils wrap around your limbs like a torture chamber where it rips your limbs apart*
Do you yield?!?.....
[spoiler]note: I haven't actually ripped limbs off yet, I just put you in that position[/spoiler]
*pulls and bashes you with the shield* *places shield inf ront as t extednds. I palce the swor dover the shield on a Spartan stance* War does not yield....... *the shields "eyes" and "mouth" opens* WRATH OF ARES! *the sheidls roars as it shoots a torrent of flames*
............silence....... *i gear-shift behind you, one of the mech. tendrils backs away and its tip starts spinning, I then swiftly stab you, the tendril pierces your armor and body* ....................will.....fall......
*the armor blocks the tendrill falwlessly* *spins and smashs the falimng shield agaisnt oyur face* you cant break this armor. *shoves the sword thrhgt your neck junture* Until you break my will....
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 12:41:26 AMI intend to do that.. *my mechanical body releases a high-pitched noise that starts messing with your brain* [b]your vision suddenly goes blank, you only see something like a blank channel on a television, accompanied with a high pitched noise like someone saying "aaww" at a high frequency,through the vision you faintly see my figure but dark black with all 10 mechanical tendrils swishing around randomly[/b] [u]you hear a dark demonic voice beneath the other noises[/u] Feeaarr!!....
*coutners your attacks, and bashes you with the sheild back into the wall* *goes back to hus spartan stance* *oyu see the shadow of the 3 aura personalites alognside the dmon soul standing behined me* (red) Good Try. not (green) uneffective, and raw. (ARM) THat all youve got? (blue) you cannot expect to move a mountain, when you cannot keep yoruself in place.....
You want to play copy do you?!..... [b]i speak into my coms[/b] Doktor...activate the silhouette drives Dr.: Roger that Sigil..... *black fluids seep from my armor, I then immediately after turn into a pure black silhouette humanoid figure no visible armor at all, with my eyes pure white* ...............silence......... [b]i split into 3 copies of the humanoid silhouette figure[/b] Sig.2:...will.. Sig.3:..fall.....
*the shadows vanish and returns to the mind realm* DUELING RING! *a ring of flames surroudns me* YOU ARE CHALLENGED! *a chain appear out fo nowhere and grabs one of the clones by random and pulls him isnide the ring*
[b]sig.2 Magic[/b] ..............will........ *a ball of pure black fire forms in his hands, and he gets into stance*
*he is bashed intpt eh border sof the rings which stops him form escaping* *swings multipel tiems at him*
[spoiler]wtf r u saying?!...[/spoiler] [b]a crude black wall rises up and blocks the shield bash[/b] ............. *he summons a sword of black fire and slashes at your back with it* *he then warps back a couple of feet and creates a bow of black fire, which he uses to fire and black arrow in your back that explodes on contact*
*blocks the back slash with hsi own sword* *charges out fo the smoek unharmed* (explosive magic pants udner that armor remember ?) *bashes him again itnoa wall before he rocvers fromt he shot.adn swings the sword against him*
*as you slash at him with the sword he catches it with his hand and shoots it into the ground* ............will........ *he jumps slightly back and thrusts the orb of fire forwards sending a large solid stream of black fire directly at you*
*instanly overcomes his cathing and slashes him throght the chest* i told you already. dont try to outstrenght some one who sis tornger. *smashes the bottom of the hsield (which is a guillotine) into his neck*
*as you chop his head off, his silhouette body forms into several streams of black that fly out of the ring and form a light,light black orb floating just outside the arena* Sig.1:.....silence.... Sig.2:.....fall... [b]choose your next opponent[/b] [spoiler]heading to bed, night....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]night[/spoiler] *poitns to the 2nd one* You wish to stpe in or be forced?
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 1:39:10 PM*sig.3 jumps in the ring* .......fall....... [b]sig.3: strength[/b] *a shadow steel battle axe forms in each of his hands*
*Places the shield in front of himself* Open fire!!! *The shield opens for a barrage of bullets*
[spoiler]this guy is pure strength incarnate FYI[/spoiler] *the shadow steel ace in his right hand turns into a shield that deflects the bullets* .........fall...... *he then dashes towards you and shoulder charges you, you are surprisingly moved*
*as he dashes* *plants the shield ont he ground.* SPARTAN STORM! *stbas at lightning speed with hsi sword multiple times*
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 4:54:19 PM*while he's charging he raises his shield, blocking the hits, he then bashes into you, knocking you on the ground* ........fall....... *he raises his battle axe and goes to cut your head off*
[spoiler]wait which one we follow[/spoiler] *as he charges bash he s shield of palce and swign to his neck*
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 6:23:03 PM[spoiler]thus one, I accidentally dp[/spoiler] *he blocks with his battle axe and kicks you in the gut, moving you back a bit*
*keeps his position and grabs the leg, letting the sowr dgo> smashes the leg with the qullotine of the shield*
*just before you can cut his leg of, with his other leg he hops up and kicks the shield into you, guillotine first, causing you to let go* ........fall...... *as you stagger back his axe morphs into a shadow-steel Gladius which he stabs you with*
*isnt stageredas the armor made the shield boucne off* *bashes the gladius of his hands* PUNCH OF HTE BEAST! *closes the demon claw nto a fist and puercuts with the streanght of a nuke*