originally posted in:DoD Beyond
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at a The Unknown we run a weekly competition. whoever has the highest Clan Wars score just before reset gets to rename the clan for 24 hours. so for example our current name is "DoD BRB Wife's Agro" but only for 24hours. it's a bit of fun to bring crew members together and push those who don't pvp to get on the pvp hype train.
I'm suggesting we give it a go here. all those in favor say aye, those against, well... what's not to like right?
Current top 3 battling in the Prison of Elders for The Beyond are........ Xyphus 62,465 RottenBiscuit 49,688 Smokin75 45,498 But with a lot of weekend warriors out there all can change over the next few days, for more info check out your clan page at http://destinyclanwars.com/clans/event/14/541767 500% score modifier for completing on Lvls 34 & 35, be brave guardians Make sure you pack your big guns and your angry eyes!