- Titan Sunbreaker - Warlock Stormcaller - Hunter Nightstalker
Edited by The Squatchmen: 6/18/2015 11:28:50 PM
Started a new topic: Taken King Supers Skill Tree(1 Reply)
God that dude rambles on and on. Get to the point already. And take a couple reading classes.
Reply for later plz
this is a joke right. Titans the same damn jump again?
Am I the only one who noticed the ghost position on his inventory? Why is it below his Heavy? Can we get different ghosts now?
Here's a bump.
Can I get a bump?
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Hunter master race
God that commentary was horrible. It's bad enough having to listen to someone breakdown the perks for 10 minutes, but I didn't expect the guy to be spitting out unintelligible words while mispronouncing the ones he COULD say.
Bungie why no Blink love for Titans, like seriously we get lift 3 times? Nothing different? I can't be the only Titan wanting a different movement type besides stay in the air until you get shot down.
[quote][b][i][u]WATCH PLANET DESTINY[/u][/i][/b][/quote]
i caan never understang this guy... "asefer this s gf laserbolt" What is ASEFER???
After seeing all sub class reviews and things, they seem so OP compared to the current ones especially the passives they get have some much that each passive is almost worth two passives in the current subclasses1
Very interesting builds. Honestly I cant see myself using the Nightstalker over the Bladedancer...
Sounds like the Nightstalker won't be able to teabag?
Wow, Bungie seriously recycled two grenades on each class. That's really depressing.
Oh god seriously does this guy have to announce all of this. I want to look at the perks not listen to the most annoying man ever for 10 min. Was hoping his annoying ass was only in the titan video.
Good video but commentator is horrible, just mute it and read it yourself.
Only one ive seen so far is the hunter, and i feel like they will be nerfed! have you seen the skills!
so all three recycle two of their grenade types.
I have one of each character. From reading the Skilltrees of all three i believe the Sunbreaker Titan will be the most "OP" in PvP. Though i think they will all balance themselves out, Hammer of Sol is going to be insane if it lasts as long as blade dancer. Not complaining, just what i see. Looking forward to trying it out! Super Stoked!!
Bump for later
Bump for later someone comment please :)