TL;DR: Open world, character progression (softcap vs lightcap), old content revamp and faction presence. How are these going to be effected?
I have been looking all over the internet for answers to questions I have about The Taken King, and I can't seem to find them because no body ever asks the questions. Right now the focus seems to be on the new subclasses, new Raid, new locations.
I want know what's going to happen to the rest of the game. The Vanilla, Dark Below and House of Wolves content.
How has the open world been effected? New missions, patrols and public events? Any NPCs, sandbox elements, places to explore, loot to find, complexity and ever changing elements? NOT JUST TO NEW LOCATIONS! I want to see this applied EVERYWHERE, I want loot on Mars, Cosmodrome, etc. I want NPCs and mystery in places we know inside and out.
Character progression. How is the levelling from 1-20 (1-30 as it seems it is going to be) going to be affected? Will my grind through the soft cap suck? Will the grind to go up in light level be as underwhelming and anticlimactic as always? I personally want to see the soft level system and light level system combined, so there is some type of level progression through completing tasks in the game. A game should not be 100% about the end game. Replaying through Vanilla when Taken King comes out should not be PAINFUL.
Old content revamp, Tower revamp? etc. Missions are a bore and actually not fun at all from Vanilla. I want to see changes. You can keep adding all you want, but if the beginning of the game is forever going to suck ass, new players are going to find it tough. I'm already finding it hard to play through with my girlfriend that just bought it to play with me, and she doesn't like the game due to the first impressions. No matter how much I say "End game is where the game is good!" That's total bullshit because that's not how a game should work.
Faction presence and a deep story arc? I want the fundamentals of the game to be improved, and I want to know how theyre going to do that.
With the level cap being raises to 50, and soft cap to 30, I believe it will be a positive change in terms of distributing VOG and Crota and making them relevant. VOG will be the first legendary armor being attained, while Crota intruces Light levels. Just an idea.
Obviously this will all be answered in time, and with the release we will all know. I just feel there is a lack of concern for this stuff when it's what makes the game! The game is not just new content stacking. Fix the base.
Day 1 Hunter
I think your point could be refined a bit further. First, you need to recognize that TTK is an expansion, not an update it revamping of previous content. While the missions in Destiny were not great, they are fairly easy to get through quickly. With the changes made in the House of Wolves, getting your character to level 30 is no problem at all. There is a grind involved, but it is not nearly as tenacious. I do agree with some of your points and share concerns on the level cap. Bear with me: the soft level cap is being increased from 20 - 30 meaning that progression up to level 30 is achieved by experience. Many players are past this level now, yet we will be grinding through a story that (I would assume) gets progressively harder and increased in light level difficulty. If that's the case, how are we going to boost our light levels beyond 34? Is the story gonna hand out armor upgrades/ new armor? If that happens won't everyone be wearing the same armor and we go back to the problem Destiny has always had? This is currently puzzling me