originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*is covered ina huge bulky. mediveal armor, with the right arm turned into a huge demon claw instead of the guanlet*
*a mtelic otne under the helmet*
The boss? i know where. but. what do you wish to settle with him.
He hasn't held up on his end of a bargain
[spoiler]dunno why it didnt post[/spoiler] he s the lord of treachery after all. il take you to him. *a demon minion aproaches and hands my sword*
Alright, let's go
yes. *a hellrift opens to the palace of treachery* watch your pocket
*I step inside the Hellrift, and wait for Salazar*
*steps inside as the hellrifft opens* Follow me... *wlask thrhgt the hallway. casually slashing at the jumping demons*
*I follow you through the hall way, drawing one of my swords, just in case*
*grabs a demon andbreaks his neck as the soul enters the sword* Here we are... *opens the door leadin to Lucifers throne*
*the demon doesn't flinch, it jump kicks you in the face and flys away*
*a chain ties him up* none escapes the rign of the challenger! *the chsians pull him back into the gorund as i grab my sword an slahs at him*
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 10:56:54 PM*he wipes the acid blood from his chin* [u]he speaks in a dark graveled voice[/u] Mortal.... [b]the demon disappears in a swirl of red and orange flames, he's gone[/b]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 10:10:19 PM[b]as you enter the "new underworld" through the hellrift you see Sigimarus standing there in his mechanical body, arms crossed[/b] Why are you here?!...
I'm here to make the devil himself pay up in a promise
what did he say....he's....busy...in limbo.....I'm the archangel that was stationed as the new ruler here....what do you want.....
*poitns iwth the greatsword* STEP AWAY Liar. you are no Lord here... I dont have any limits of a physical body here..... *summosn the greatshield* *poitns to the "sky:"*ATTACK! *hellrifts open eltting isnside the whoel hella rmy. charging to attack the fake king*
*i raise my hand up and they all stop and wander away* [spoiler]sigimarus was put under rule of "hell" after lucifer was banished to limbo forever, I'll make a bio soon, but it's legit, I've stuck with it since beginning of RP here, so please stop[/spoiler]
Deciever....Death will have you for this...... *prepares to attaack by hismelf8 *a ringtone is heard* *gasps* just a minute....... *palnts the swor don the groudn as the armor disipates and I pull out my phone* Yes?.... .ahha........do i have to attend it?......alright. il be there..... *closes the phone and places it on his jacket* You will pay deciever..... (ARM) will you really retreat. its agianst our rules. (Sal) yeah but if any of us dies hte odtehr dies. you are weak wihtout a host,. and i ahve a job to do up there. (ARM) tactical backing down? (Sal) yeah sue the "thing" to get the army back with us....... (ARM) yous aid youll never use it. (Sal) ill have to.
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 11:24:20 PM*Thanatos flys over head and waves to me, carrying what looks like a giant bag of new souls to damn, I wave back* Take care of your business please. But leave my home out of this....or I will defend it, and it will defend itself....
*we both look back at you before entering a hellrift* *a weird sense of dakrness emanates from us* Look into my eyes try to see if i feel afraid of that...... *ARm enters a helrrift back to the castle of war as i enter a different ehading to waht seemed like a a forest of past times*
no trouble and you can stay....that's all I ask...come back later...please....I can establish communications with your father when you do...
*stosp on the hellrift* my father aint here. *pulls out a sacred guna nd pulsl the trigger as a santified slug hits jsut a cm besides you* and dont metion him.....you dont know him...and dotn pretend to be my ally. What will you do when your army no longers see you as their King? *enters and clsoes the hellrift*
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 6/18/2015 11:46:59 PMI'm sorry, I didn't mean he's here *i point up* he's up there....and I will always be there overseer, I'm not the ruler of this place, that is reserved for the lord god....I oversee the inhabitants here....
*opens a hellrift jsut to speak* htne iomprove at your job. there are more inocent souls that youd think
and I'm going as fast as I can...I could really use your help, any time you can hopefully...good morrow Mr.Salzar....think about my offer....
i will.....